1Co 7:29. Τοῦτο δΠφημι, but this I say) The same form of expression occurs 1Co 15:50, for the purpose of explanation, in summing up the whole.-ἀδελφοὶ, brethren) Paul is wont, especially when writing about external circumstances, to introduce the most noble digressions, as the Holy Spirit is always calling him to the things that are most excellent.-ὠκαιÏὸς) the present time, either of the world 1Co 7:31, ch. 1Co 10:11, or of individuals, the time of weeping, rejoicing, etc.-συνεσταλμÎνος) narrow, short, the contrary of unencumbered liberty, 1Co 7:26.-τὸ λοιπὸν, [but] as to what remains) The particle here is very suitable. [He hints, that the consummation of the world is not far off.-V. g.]-ἵνα, that) Time in short, is of such a nature, that they ought, etc. [Some spend much of their time in seeking the superfluous conveniences of life, in wandering thoughts, in a too pertinacious pursuit of literature, in the length and frequency of their feasts and amusements: and it is a virtue in the opinion of worldly men, when any one knows how to spend with his boon companions in a manner not without its charm, half or even whole days and nights in empty conversation and pursuits. But if it should become necessary either to engage in prayer, or to watch over the education of his children, or to exemplify the duty of love to his neighbour, then truly the want of time is made an obstacle; nay, he has not even leisure to consider, how much guilt is contracted by such conduct.-V. g.]-γυναῖκας, wives) and so, children, friends, patrons. We ought to consider nothing our own.-μὴ, not) Thus Christian self-denial is appropriately expressed. They, who have [earthly goods], as persons who have and are likely long to have, are void of Christian self-denial.]-ὦσι, may be) This word is supplied also in the following verses.