1Co 7:35. Αá½Ï„ῶν, your own.-βÏόχον, a snare) A snare, the fear of committing sin, where there is no sin, or even forced service. Men are unwillingly drawn into a snare, Pro 7:21, LXX. That is readily considered as a snare, which is most conducive to profit [σÏμφεÏον].-εὔσχημον) an antithesis to ἀσχημονεῖν, in the following verse.-εá½Ï€Î¬ÏεδÏον) akin to this is the verb Ï€ÏοσεδÏεÏειν, in 1Co 9:13. An example is found in Luk 10:39.-Ï„á¿· ΚυÏίῳ, to the Lord) εá½Ï€Î¬ÏεδÏον, as well as παÏεδÏεÏω, governs the dative.-ἀπεÏισπάστως) This explains the word εá½Ï€Î¬ÏεδÏον, for assiduous attendance upon the Lord, and distraction, are the reverse of each other. Sitting [involved in the εá½Ï€Î¬ÏεδÏον] assists the devout mind. Comp. Luk 10:39-40. Paul says something similar of the widow, 1Ti 5:5.