1Co 7:5. Μὴ ἀποστεÏεῖτε, defraud not) So the LXX., Exo 21:10, he shall not defraud her of her duty of marriage, τὴν á½Î¼Î¹Î»Î¯Î±Î½ αá½Ï„ῆς (×¢× ×ª×”) οá½Îº ἀποστεÏήσει. This word agrees with the word due, 1Co 7:3.-εἰ μή τι ἄν, except it be) It is very much limited. When these conditions occur, it is not privation, but abstinence.-ἵνα σχολάζητε, that you may be at leisure) The apostle speaks here of great leisure, σχολὴν, and ease. Previous abstinence is subservient to prayer. [Those who fasted among the Greeks added here fasting.-Not. crit.[57]]. Abstinence may also have other motives originating it [besides the object of prayer], and those of a bad kind.-καὶ πὰλιν, and again) Concerning such intervals, and their measure, see Selden on the Hebrew wife.-á¼Ï€á½¶ τὸ αá½Ï„ὸ, together) This does not mean the very act of connubial intercourse, but is opposed to the previous separation.-πειÏάζῃ, should tempt) to fornication, etc., 1Co 7:2.-ὠΣατανᾶς, Satan) who amid the exercises of the sublimer virtues seeks an opportunity of doing the greatest injury. Temptation cannot be easily presupposed without Satan.-ἀκÏασίαν, incontinency) 1Co 7:9.
[57] Rec. Text inserts before τῇ Ï€Ïοσευχῇ the words τῇ νηστείαò καὶ with both Syr. Versions. But ABCD(Λ)G fg Vulg. Orig. Cypr. omit the words.-ED.