1Co 9:12. Ἄλλοι, others) true apostles, 1Co 9:5 : or false ones, 2Co 11:20.-ὑμῶν) over you.-μᾶλλον, rather) on account of our greater labour.-τῇ á¼Î¾Î¿Ï…σίᾳ ταÏτῃ) The repetition gives force to the meaning; this power [such a power as this].-στÎγομεν) στÎγω signifies properly to cover; them to protect, to defend; likewise to conceal, to bear and endure with a desire to conceal, as here[75] and in 1Co 13:7. On the other hand, ΟὠΣΤΈΓΕΙÎ, not to forbear, in a burst of strong feeling, 1Th 3:1; 1Th 3:5. [The minister of the Gospel requires to put in practice this forbearance: For reproaches of this kind are cast upon him, viz. on the ground of arrogance or avarice, which among politicians (or men of the world) are considered virtues.-V. g.]-ἵνα μὴ á¼Î³ÎºÎ¿Ï€Î®Î½ τινα δῶμεν, lest we should hinder), i.e. that we should as far as possible forward the Gospel. Those, who are least encumbered, do more work and cause less expense; hence the celibacy of the priests among the Papists and of soldiers in the commonwealth.
[75] “We suffer without speaking or complaining.â€-ED.