1Co 9:25. Πᾶς, every man) There were many sorts of contests.-δὲ, but) an emphatic addition (á¼Ï€Î¯Ï„ασις). The race was among those contests that were of a lighter description; wrestling, to which allusion is presently made, is among those that were more severe.-πάντα, all things) supply κατὰ, as to, throughtout.-á¼Î³ÎºÏατεÏεται, is temperate) Those, who were to strive for the mastery, were distinguished by their admirable mode of living. See the same Faber, and the same Chrysostom de Sacred., l. 4, c. 2, at the end.-á¼ÎºÎµá¿–νοι) they, who run and wrestle. Christians had abandoned the public games.-φθαÏτὸν, corruptible) formed of the wild olive, of the apple tree, of parsley and of the fir tree. Not only the crown, but the remembrance of it perishes.