Greater Men and Women of the Bible by James Hastings: 016. Enoch

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Greater Men and Women of the Bible by James Hastings: 016. Enoch

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Aitken, W. H. M. H., The Revealer Revealed, 209.

Banks, L. A., The Great Saints of the Bible (1902), 21.

Barton, G. A., The Roots of Christian Teaching as found in the Old Testament (1902), 88.

Bell, C. D., The Roll-Call of Faith (1886), 32.

Burrell, D. J., The Religion of the Future, 137.

Collyer, R., The Life that Now Is, 45.

Cumming, J. E., Scripture Photographs, 19.

Davies, J., The Kingdom without Observation (1895), 172.

Greenhough, J. G., Old Pictures in Modern Frames (1902), 1.

Greer, D. H., From Things to God (1893), 123.

Horton, R. F., Lyndhurst Road Pulpit (1893), 51.

Jenkins, E. E., Sermons (1866), 249, 266.

Little, W. J. K., The Perfect Life (1898), 19.

Lonsdale, J., Sermons (1893), 135.

Mcllveen, J., Christ and the Christian Life (1911), 75.

Mackenzie, W. L., Pure Religion (1900), 134.

McLeod, M. J., Heavenly Harmonies for Earthly Living (1902), 9.

Matheson, G., The Representative Men of the Bible, i. (1902) 67.

Morris, A. J., The Open Secret (1869), 162.

Mortimer, A. G., Stories from Genesis (1894), 71.

Myres, W. M., Fragments that Remain (1906), 94.

Parker, J., Adam, Noah, and Abraham (1880), 35.

Peake, A. S., The Heroes and Martyrs of Faith (1910), 38.

Pearce, J., Life on the Heights (1903), 9.

Purves, D., Walking with God (1912), 9.

Purves, G. T., Faith and Life (1902), 215.

Rankin, J., Character Studies in the Old Testament (1875), 14.

Ryle, J. C., The Christian Race (1900), 243.

Schofield, A. T., The Knowledge of God, 123.

Thomas, J., Myrtle Street Pulpit, iv. (1895) 35.

Townsend, W. J., in Men of the Bible (1904), 3.

Whyte, A., Bible Characters: Adam to Achan (1896), 51.

Williams, T. R., God's Open Doors (1903), 227.

Christian World Pulpit, xxxiii. (1888) 252 (P. W. Darnton); xxxix. (1891) 139 (J. J. Goadby); xl. (1891) 356 (E. White); lxxvi. (1909) 5 (W. Harvey-Jellie); Ixxx. (1911) 92 (W. L. Gibbs).

Homiletic Review, lxi. (1911) 320 (W. A. Quayle).


By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God translated him: for before his translation he hath had witness borne to him that he had been well-pleasing unto God.- Heb_11:5.

Enoch was the bright particular star of the patriarchal epoch. His record is short, but eloquent. It is crowded into a few words, but every word, when placed under examination, expands indefinitely. Every virtue may be read into them; every eulogium possible to a human character shines from them. Enoch reaches the point of renown in godliness: he walked with God; his walk was on the high hills, so high that he simply stepped into the next world without troubling death to go through his long dark process. He sheds a lustre on the antediluvian age, and he shines still as an example to all generations of steady and lofty piety.

I am a simpleton, am I, to quote such an exploded book as Genesis? My good wiseacre readers, I know as many flaws in the book of Genesis as the best of you, but I knew the book before I knew its flaws, while you know the flaws, and never have known the book, nor can know it. And it is at present much the worse for you; for indeed the stories of this book of Genesis have been the nursery tales of men mightiest whom the world has yet seen in art, and policy, and virtue, and none of you will write better stories for your children, yet awhile. And your little Cains will learn quickly enough to ask if they are their brother's keepers, and your little Fathers of Canaan merrily enough to show their own father's nakedness without dread either of banishment or malediction; but many a day will pass, and their evil generations vanish with it, in that sudden nothingness of the wicked, “He passed away, and lo, he was not,” before one will again rise, of whose death there may remain the Divine tradition, “He walked with God; and was not, for God took him.” Apotheosis! How the dim hope of it haunts even the last degradation of men; through the six thousand years from Enoch.1 [Note: Ruskin, Fors Clavigera, letter 41 (Works, xxviii. 84).]