John Trapp Complete Commentary - Mark 4:13 - 4:13

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John Trapp Complete Commentary - Mark 4:13 - 4:13

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This Chapter Verse Commentaries:

13 And he said unto them, Know ye not this parable? and how then will ye know all parables?

Ver. 13. Know ye not this parable?] What a shame is that! Gross ignorance, under excellent means of knowledge, is a blushful sin.

And how then will ye know all parables?] Anaxagoras the philosopher found himself benighted, and complained, omnia esse circumfusa tenebris, that there was a general darkness upon men’s understandings. Empedocles angustas esse sensuum semitas dixit: Empedocles said that the pathways of the senses were too narrow. And Democritus, that the truth lay hidden in a pit that had no bottom. Melancthon was heard to say, that he did not believe that there was any one man to be found in all Germany that could rightly understand one whole page in Aristotle’s Organon. How nmch less can any one understand gospel mysteries, but by a supernatural light! The Romans thought they had victory tied to them; we have not the knowledge of divine truths tied to us, &c. But as the Romans dedicated a lake (the depth whereof was unknown) to Victory, so must we be wise to sobriety; and what we cannot comprehend of God’s revealed will, run to Christ, and he will teach us, but still cry, "Oh the depth!" Rom_11:33.