Heinrich Meyer Commentary - John 7:14 - 7:14

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Heinrich Meyer Commentary - John 7:14 - 7:14

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Joh_7:14. Τῆς ἑορτ . μεσ .] when the feast was half way advanced, ἤγουν τῇ τετάρτῃ ἡμέρᾳ (or thereby): ἑπτὰ γὰρ ἡμέρας (yet see on Joh_7:37), ἑώρταζον αὐτήν , Euthymius Zigabenus. Jesus was already, before this, in the city (Joh_7:10), but in concealment; now He goes up into the temple. The text does not say that He had only now come into Jerusalem. μεσοῦν (comp. Exo_12:29; Jdt_12:5; 3Ma_5:14) only here in the N. T., but very common in the classics. That the day was just the Sabbath of the feast (Harduin, Bengel, Kuinoel, Wieseler, Synopse, pp. 309, 329) is uncertain, as μεσούσης is only an approximate expression. For the rest, the discourses which follow, and the discussions onwards to chap. 10, are not (with Weizsäcker) to be ranked as parallel with the synoptical accounts of proceedings in Jerusalem, but are wholly independent of them, and must be attributed to the vivid recollections of the evangelist himself regarding a time unnoticed by the Synoptics. Over and above this, we must, as an historical necessity, expect to find many points of resemblance in the several encounters of Jesus with His Jewish opponents.