If the law curseth all those who continue not in all things contained in the law, (as the apostle had said, Gal_3:10, and proved from Deu_27:26), it might be objected: How will believers then escape more than others; for none of them continue in all that is written in the law? The apostle here obviateth this objection, by telling the Galatians, that, as to believers, Christ had
redeemed them from this curse. The word generally signifies delivering; here it signifies a deliverance by a price paid. This was by being himself
made a curse for us, not only execrable to men, but bearing the wrath and indignation of God due for sin:
for so it was written, Deu_21:23: He that is hanged is accursed of God; that is, hath borne the wrath or curse of God due to him for his sin. The apostle applying this to Christ, teacheth us, that Christ also, hanging upon the cross, bare the curse of God due to the sins of believers; in whose stead, as well as for whose good and benefit, he died. And indeed he could no other way redeem believers from the curse of the law, but by being made himself a curse for them. Some think, that under the law he who was hanged was made a curse, not only politically, but typically, as signifying that curse which Christ should he made on the behalf of the elect.