Works of Arthur Pink: Pink, Arthur - Gleanings From Elisha: 03-His Testings

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Works of Arthur Pink: Pink, Arthur - Gleanings From Elisha: 03-His Testings

TOPIC: Pink, Arthur - Gleanings From Elisha (Other Topics in this Collection)
SUBJECT: 03-His Testings

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Chapter 3

In Our Last Chapter we pointed out that the peculiar relation which

existed between Elijah and Elisha foreshadowed that which pertains to

Christ and His servants, and that the early experiences through which

Elisha passed are those which almost every genuine minister of the gospel

is called upon to encounter. All the preliminary details recorded of the

prophet before his mission commenced must have their counterpart in the

early history of any who are used of God in the work of His kingdom.

Those experiences in the case of Elisha began with a definite call from

the Lord, and that is still His order of procedure. That call was

followed by a series of very real testings, which may well be designated

as a preliminary course of discipline. Those testings were many and

varied. There were seven in number, which at once indicates the

thoroughness and completeness of the ordeals through which Elisha went

and by which he was schooled for the future. If we are not to ignore here

the initial one, there will of necessity be a slight overlapping between

this section and what was before us in our last chapter.

First, the Testing of His Affections

This occurred at the time he received his call to devote the whole of his

time and energies to the service of God and His people. A stern test it

was. Elisha was not one who had failed in temporal matters and now

desired to "better his position," nor was he deprived of those who

cherished him and were therefore anxious to enter a more congenial

circle. Far from it. He was the son of a well-to-do farmer, living with

parents to whom he was devotedly attached. Response to Elijah's casting

of the prophetic mantle upon him meant not only the giving up of

favorable worldly prospects, but the severing of happy home ties. The

issue was plainly drawn: which should dominate-zeal for Jehovah or love

for his parents? That Elisha was very far from being one of a cold and

unfeeling disposition is clear from a number of things. When Elijah bade

him remain at Bethel, he replied, "I will not leave thee" (2Ki_2:2);

and when his master was caught away from him, he evidenced his deep grief

by crying out, "My father! My father," and by rending his garments

asunder (2Ki_2:12).

No, Elisha was no stoic, and it cost him something to break away from his

loved ones. But he shrank not from the sacrifice demanded of him. He

"left the oxen" with which he had been ploughing and "ran after Elijah"

asking only, "Let me, I pray thee, kiss my father and my mother, and I

will follow thee" (1Ki_19:20). When permission was granted, a hasty

farewell speech was made and he took his departure; and the sacred

narrative contains no mention that he ever returned home even for a brief

visit. Dutiful respect, yea, tender regard, was shown for his parents,

but he did not prefer them before God. The Lord does not require His

servants to callously ignore their filial duty, but He does claim the

first place in their hearts. Unless one who is contemplating an entrance

into the ministry is definitely prepared to accord Him that, he should at

once abandon his quest. No man is eligible for the ministry unless he is

ready to resolutely subordinate natural ties to spiritual bonds.

Blessedly did the spirit prevail over the flesh in Elisha's response to

this initial trial.

Second, the Testing of His Sincerity

This occurred at the outset of the final journey of the two prophets.

"And it came to pass when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a

whirlwind that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal. And Elijah said unto

Elisha, Tarry here, I pray thee" (2Ki_2:1-2). Various reasons have

been advanced by the commentators as to why the Tishbite should have made

such a request. Some think it was because he wished to be alone, that

modesty and humility would not suffer that his companion should witness

the very great honor which was about to be bestowed upon him. Others

suppose it was because he desired to spare Elisha the grief of a final

leave-taking. But in view of all that follows, and taking this detail in

connection with the whole incident, we believe these words of the prophet

bear quite a different interpretation, namely, that Elijah was now making

proof of Elisha's determination and attachment to him. At the time of his

call Elisha had said, "I will follow thee," and now he was given the

opportunity to go back if he were so disposed.

There was one who accompanied the apostle Paul for awhile, but later he

had to lament, "Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world,

and is departed unto Thessalonica" (2Ti_4:10). Many have done

likewise. Daunted by the difficulties of the way, discouraged by the

unfavorable response to their efforts, and their ardor cooled, they

concluded they had mistaken their calling; or, because only small and

unattractive fields opened to them, they decided to better themselves by

returning to worldly employment. To what numbers do those solemn words of

Christ apply: "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking

back, is fit for the kingdom of God" (Luk_9:62). Far otherwise was it

with Elisha. No fleeting impression had actuated him when he declared to

Elijah, "I will follow thee." And when he was put to the test as to

whether or not he was prepared to follow him to the end of the course, he

successfully gave evidence of his unwavering fidelity. "As the Lord

liveth, and as thy soul liveth, I will not leave thee" was his

unflinching response. Oh for like stability.

Third, the Testing of His Will or Resolution

From Gilgal, Elijah and his companion had gone on to Bethel, and there he

encountered a subtle temptation, one which had prevailed over any whose

heart was not thoroughly established. "And the sons of the prophets that

were at Beth-el came forth to Elisha and said unto him, Knowest thou that

the Lord will take away thy master from thy head to day?" (2Ki_2:3).

Which was as much as saying, Why think of going on any further, what is

the use of it, when the Lord is on the point of taking him from you? And

mark it well, they who here sought to make him waver from his course were

not the agents of Jezebel but those who were on the side of the Lord. Nor

was it just one who would deter Elisha, but apparently the whole body of

the prophets endeavored to persuade him that he should relinquish his

purpose. It is in this very way God tries the mettle of His servants: to

make evident to themselves and others whether they are vacillating or

steadfast, whether they are regulated wholly by His call and will or

whether their course is directed by the counsels of men.

A holy independence should mark the servant of God. Thus it was with the

chief of the apostles: "I conferred not with flesh and blood" (Gal.

1:16). Had he done so, what trouble would he have made for himself; had

he listened to the varied advice the other apostles would offer, what a

state of confusion his own mind would have been in! If Christ is my

Master, then it is from Him, and from Him alone, I must take my orders.

Until I am sure of His will I must continue to wait upon Him; once it is

clear to me, I must set out on the performance of it, and nothing must

move me to turn aside. So it was here. Elisha had been Divinely called to

follow Elijah, and he was determined to cleave to him unto the end, even

though it meant going against well-meant advice and offending the whole

of his fellows. "Hold ye your peace" was his reply. This was one of the

trials which this writer encountered over thirty years ago, when his

pastor and Christian friends urged him to enter a theological seminary,

though they knew that deadly error was taught there. It was not easy to

take his stand against them, but he is deeply thankful he did so.

Fourth, the Testing of His Faith

"And Elijah said unto him, Elisha, tarry here, I pray thee; for the LORD

hath sent me to Jericho" (2Ki_2:4). "Tarry here." They were at

Bethel, and this was a place of sacred memories. It was here that Jacob

had spent his first night as he fled from the wrath of his brother. Here

he had been favored with that vision of the ladder whose top reached unto

heaven and beheld the angels of God ascending and descending on it. Here

it was Jehovah had revealed Himself and given him precious promises. When

he awakened, Jacob said, "Surely the Lord is in this place... this is

none other but the house of God and this is the gate of heaven" (Gen.

28). Delectable spot was this: the place of divine communion. Ah, one

which is supremely attractive to those who are spiritually minded, and

therefore one which such are entirely loath to leave. What can be more

desirable than to abide where such privileges and favors are enjoyed! So

felt Peter on the holy mount. As he beheld Christ transfigured and Moses

and Elijah talking with Him, he said, "Lord, it is good for us to be

here: if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and

one for Moses, and one for Elijah." Let us remain and enjoy such

blessing. But that could not be.

God still tests His servants at this very point. They are in some place

where the smile of heaven manifestly rests upon their labors. The Lord's

presence is real, His secrets are revealed to them, and intimate

communion is enjoyed with Him. If he followed his own inclinations he

would remain there, but he is not free to please himself: he is the

servant of another and must do His bidding. Elijah had announced, "the

LORD hath sent me to Jericho" and if Elisha were to "follow" him to the

end then to Jericho he too must go. True, Jericho was far less attractive

than Bethel, but the will of God pointed clearly to it. It is not the

consideration of his own tastes and comforts which is to actuate the

minister of Christ but the performance of duty, no matter where it leads

to. The mount of transfiguration made a powerful appeal unto Peter, but

at the base thereof there was a demon-possessed youth in dire need of

deliverance! (Mat_17:14-18). Elisha resisted the tempting prospect,

saying again, "I will not leave thee." Oh for such fidelity.

Fifth, the Testing of His Patience

This was a twofold test. When the two prophets arrived at Jericho, the

younger one suffered a repetition of what he had experienced at Bethel.

Once again "the sons of the prophet" from the local school accosted him,

saying, "Knowest thou that the Lord will take away thy master from thy

head today?" Elijah himself they left alone, but his companion was set

upon by them. It is the connection in which this occurs that supplies the

key to its meaning. The whole passage brings before us Elisha being

tested first in one way and at one point and then at another. That he

should meet with a repetition at Jericho of what he had encountered at

Bethel is an intimation that the servant of God needs to be especially on

his guard at this point. He must not put his trust even in "princes,"

temporal or spiritual, but cease entirely from man, trusting in the Lord

and leaning not on his own understanding. Though it was annoying to be

pestered thus by these men, Elisha made them a courteous reply, yet one

which showed them he was not to be turned away from his purpose: "Yea, I

know it, hold ye your peace."

"And Elijah said unto him, Tarry, I pray thee, here; for the LORD hath

sent me to Jordan." This he said to prove him, as the Savior tested the

two disciples on the way to Emmaeus when He "made as though he would have

gone further" (Luk_24:28). Much ground had been traversed since they had

set out together from Gilgal. Was Elisha growing tired of the journey, or

was he prepared to persevere to the end? How many grow weary of well

doing and fail to reap because they faint. How many fail at this point of

testing and drop out when Providence appears to afford them a favorable

opportunity of so doing. Elisha might have pleaded, "I may be of some

service here to the young prophets, but of what use can I be to Elijah at

the Jordan?" Philip was being greatly used of God in Samaria (Act_8:12)

when the angel of the Lord bade him arise and go south "unto Gaza, which

is desert" (Act_8:26). And he arose and went, and God honored his

obedience. And Elisha said to his master, "I will not leave thee," no,

not at the eleventh hour; and great was his reward.

Sixth, the Testing of His Character

"And it came to pass, when they were gone over [the Jordan], that Elijah

said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away

from thee" (2Ki_2:9). Here is clear proof that Elijah had been making

trial of his companion when he had at the different stopping places, bade

him "Tarry here" or remain behind, for certainly he would have extended

no such an offer as this had Elisha been disobedient and acting in

self-will. Clearly the Tishbite was so well pleased with Elisha's

devotion and attendance that he determined to reward him with some

parting blessing: "Ask what I shall do for thee." If this was not the

most searching of all the tests, certainly it was the most revealing.

What was his heart really set upon? What did he desire above all else? At

first glance it seemed surprising that Elijah should fling open so wide a

door and offer to supply anything his successor should ask. But not only

had they spent several years together; Elisha's reaction to the other

testings convinced him that this faithful soul would ask nothing which

was incongruous or which God could not give.

"And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon

me." He rose above all fleshly and worldly desires, all that the natural

heart would crave, and asked for that which would be most for the glory

of God and the good of His people. Elisha sought neither wealth nor

honors, worldly power nor prestige. What he asked for was that he might

receive that which marked him out as Elijah's firstborn, the heir of his

official patrimony (Deu_21:17). It was a noble request. The work to

which he was called involved heavy responsibilities and the facing of

grave dangers, and for the discharge of his duties he needed to be

equipped with spiritual power. That is what every servant of God needs

above everything else: to be "endued with power from on high." The most

splendid faculties, the ablest intellect, the richest acquirements, count

for nothing unless they be energized by the holy One.

The work of the ministry is such that no man is naturally qualified for

it; only God can make any meet for the same. For that endowment the

apostles waited upon God for ten days. To obtain it Elisha had to

successfully endure the previous testings, pass through Jordan, and keep

his eye fixed steadily upon his master.

Seventh, the Testing of His Endowment

When we ask God for something it is often His way to test our earnestness

and importunity by keeping us waiting for it, and then when He grants our

request, He puts our fidelity to the proof in the use we make of it. If

it is faith that is bestowed, circumstances arise which are apt to call

into exercise all our doubts and fears. If it is wisdom which is given,

situations soon confront us where we are sorely tempted to give way to

folly. If it is courage which is imparted, then perils will have to be

faced which are calculated to make the stoutest quake. When we receive

some spiritual gift, God so orders things that opportunity is afforded

for the exercise of it. It was thus with Elisha. A double portion of

Elijah's spirit was granted him, and the prophetic mantle of his master

fell at his feet. What use would he make of it? As this comes up in our

next chapter, suffice it now to say that he was confronted by the

Jordan-he was on the wrong side of it and no longer was there any Elijah

to divide asunder its waters!

We turn now from the testings to which Elisha was subjected unto the

course which he had to take. The spiritual significance of his journey

has also to receive its counterpart in the experiences of the servant of

Christ. That journey began at Gilgal (2Ki_2:1), and none can work

acceptably in the kingdom of God until his soul is acquainted with what

that place stands for. It was the first stopping-place of Israel after

they entered Canaan, and where they were required to tarry before they

set out on the conquest of their inheritance (Jos_5:9). It was there

that all the males who had been born in the wilderness were circumcised.

Now "circumcision" speaks of separation from the world, consecration to

God, and the knife's application to the flesh. Figuratively it stood for

the cutting off of the old life, the rolling away of "the reproach of

Egypt." There is a circumcision "of the heart" (Rom_2:29), and it is

that which is the distinguishing mark of God's spiritual children, as

circumcision of the flesh had identified His earthly people. Gilgal,

then, is where the path of God's servant must necessarily begin. Not

until he unsparingly mortifies the flesh, separates from the world, and

consecrates himself unreservedly to God is he prepared to journey further.

From Gilgal Elisha passed on to "Bethel," which means "the house of God."

As we have seen, it was originally the place of hallowed memories, but in

the course of time it had been grievously defiled. Bethel had been

horribly polluted; for it was there that Jeroboam set up one of his

golden calves, appointed an idolatrous priesthood, and led the people

into terrible sin (1Ki_12:28, 33). Elisha must visit this place so

that he might be suitably affected with the dishonor done unto the Lord.

History has repeated itself. The house of God, the professing church, is

defiled, and the servant of Christ must take to heart the apostate

condition of Christendom today if his ministry is to be effective. From

Bethel they proceeded to Jericho, a place that was under God's curse

(Jos_6:26). The servant of God needs to enter deeply into the solemn

fact that this world is under the curse of a holy God. And what is that

"curse"? Death (Rom_6:23), and it is of that the Jordan (the final

stopping-place) speaks. That too must be passed through in the experience

of his soul if the minister is to be effective.