James Nisbet Commentary - 1 Timothy

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James Nisbet Commentary - 1 Timothy

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Verse Commentaries:

1Ti_1:5  Love and its Sources

1Ti_1:5  The End of the Commandment

1Ti_1:11         The Glorious Gospel

1Ti_1:11         Why ‘Glorious’?

1Ti_1:11         God-likeness

1Ti_1:11         In Trust for the Gospel

1Ti_1:15         The Faithful Saying

1Ti_1:15         The Saying and its Meaning

1Ti_1:15         Incarnation and Atonement

1Ti_1:18         A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ

1Ti_1:18         The Charge to Timothy

1Ti_1:19         True to God and True to Self

1Ti_1:19         Faith and Life

1Ti_2:1  Christ’s Law of Intercession

1Ti_2:1-2        Bishops and People

1Ti_2:5  The One Mediator

1Ti_2:8  Pray, Always Pray

1Ti_3:1  The Episcopal Office

1Ti_3:9  Faith and Conscience

1Ti_3:15         The Church

1Ti_3:15         The Work of the Church

1Ti_3:15         ‘The Church to Teach, the Bible to Prove’

1Ti_3:16         Mystery in Religion

1Ti_3:16         The Mystery of Redemption

1Ti_4:7  Religion and Moral Life

1Ti_4:7-8 (r.v.)         Christian Discipline

1Ti_4:8  The Present Benefit of a Pious Life

1Ti_4:8  Godliness and Repose

1Ti_4:8  The Life that now is

1Ti_4:16         The Christian Faith

1Ti_4:16         Life and Doctrine

1Ti_5:4  Christianity in the Home

1Ti_5:24         Sin

1Ti_6:12         The Christian Soldier

1Ti_6:12         The Good Fight

1Ti_6:12         Spiritual Atrophy

1Ti_6:16         Light

1Ti_6:17         God or Mammon

1Ti_6:20         Hold Fast!

1Ti_6:20         Timothy’s Life and Mission

1Ti_6:20         The Sacred Trust


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