James Nisbet Commentary - 2 Samuel

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James Nisbet Commentary - 2 Samuel

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Verse Commentaries:

2Sa_1:18         The Song of the Bow

2Sa_1:26         ‘Closer than a Brother’

2Sa_3:17         ‘Make Jesus King’

2Sa_4:12         The Bloody Path to a Throne

2Sa_6:9  The Ark—Bane and Blessing

2Sa_7:2  Which is Grander? God’s House or Mine?

2Sa_7:18         David at Prayer

2Sa_9:1  Kindness to the Living for the Sake of the Dead

2Sa_11:27        The Awful Lapse

2Sa_12:4         Christian Charity

2Sa_12:7         The Arrow of Conviction

2Sa_12:14        Occasion to Blaspheme

2Sa_12:23        Four Doctrines in Five Words

2Sa_14:14        Banished but not Expelled

2Sa_15:6         The Stealer of Hearts

2Sa_15:19-21     A Specimen of Nobleness

2Sa_16:11        Cursing to God’s Order

2Sa_17:14        Rival Counsellors

2Sa_17:27        A Model for Old Men

2Sa_18:1-2; 1Sa_19:1     Two Royal Princes—a Contrast

2Sa_18:33        ‘The Chamber over the Gate’

2Sa_19:10        Back to the Throne

2Sa_19:18        The King’s Ferry Boat

2Sa_19:31-40     A Grand Old Man

2Sa_21:10        The Quickening of David’s Conscience by Rizpah’s Example

2Sa_23:1         David in Four Aspects

2Sa_23:1         David in Four Aspects

2Sa_24:1         A Fatal Blunder

2Sa_24:24        The Cost of Worship