James Nisbet Commentary - Genesis

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James Nisbet Commentary - Genesis

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Verse Commentaries:

Gen_1:1           The Sublime Introduction

Gen_1:1           The Beginning

Gen_1:3  ‘All the Blessings of the Light’

Gen_1:5  ‘Day and Night’

Gen_1:14         Sun and Moon

Gen_1:26         The Divine Image in Man

Gen_1:31         The Divine Verdict

Gen_2:1  The Completed Work

Gen_2:3  The Sacred Day

Gen_2:7-8        The Garden of Eden

Gen_2:9  The Tree of Destiny

Gen_2:17         The One Forbidden Thing

Gen_3:1  The Temptation of Man

Gen_3:8  Concealment from God impossible

Gen_3:10         Cowardice and Cant

Gen_3:13         The Excuse of the Tempted

Gen_3:15         The Earliest Gospel

Gen_3:16-18      Sinners must Suffer

Gen_3:19         ‘He remembereth that we are dust’

Gen_3:24         Driven into Exile

Gen_4:4-5        The ‘Disregarded and the Accepted Offering’

Gen_4:9  The Unbrotherly Brother

Gen_4:19-24      An Early Chauvinist

Gen_4:26         The First True Worshippers

Gen_5:24         The Witness of Enoch

Gen_5:29         The First True Comforter

Gen_6:5-7        An Awful Sight

Gen_6:6  Human Sin and Divine Judgment

Gen_6:8  A Lonely Man of Grace

Gen_6:17         Doom and Deliverance

Gen_7:5  Obedience to God

Gen_8:4  The Ark of Safety

Gen_8:20-22      The First Altar in the New World

Gen_9:8-9        The Noahic Covenant

Gen_9:12-15      ‘The Bow in the Cloud’

Gen_9:14         The Bow of Hope

Gen_11:1         ‘Of One Language’

Gen_11:9         ‘What will these Babblers say?’

Gen_12:1         The Pilgrim Father

Gen_12:3         Blessing received and imparted

Gen_12:4         The First Columbus

Gen_12:4-5       ‘I do not ask to see the distant scene’

Gen_12:10        A Fateful Journey

Gen_13:10-11     The Worldly Choice

Gen_13:18        Tent and Altar

Gen_14:23        Some Elements of a Godly Life

Gen_15:1         Abram’s Vision

Gen_15:5-6       Righteousness by Faith

Gen_16:13        ‘Thou God seest Me’

Gen_17:2         The Promise Renewed

Gen_18:2         The Divine Guest

Gen_18:22        A Persevering Intercessor

Gen_18:25        The Righteous Judge

Gen_19:26        An Old-World Beacon

Gen_20:11        A Godly Man’s Lapse

Gen_21:17        The Listening God

Gen_21:19        God’s Well and Man’s Bottle

Gen_22:1-8       The Great Test

Gen_22:1 (r.v.)  The Trial of Faith

Gen_23:19        ‘Till Death do them part’

Gen_24:10        Fidelity

Gen_24:58        ‘Forget thine own People!’

Gen_25:8         ‘A Good Old Age’

Gen_25:34        The Despised Birthright

Gen_26:3; Gen_26:5       Hereditary Blessing

Gen_26:22        Isaac the Peaceable

Gen_26:31        The Man of Peace

Gen_27:5-6       A Game of Cross-purposes

Gen_27:34        A Penitent’s Prayer

Gen_28:16        The Pilgrim’s Vision

Gen_28:17        ‘Hallowed Ground’

Gen_28:19        Life’s Bethels

Gen_29:20; Gen_31:38     The Mid-passage of Life

Gen_31:6-7       Lights and Shadows

Gen_31:48        The Heap of Witness

Gen_32:1         Angels on Life’s Pathway

Gen_32:1         The Angels of God

Gen_32:24        The Divine Antagonist

Gen_32:26        ‘When I am weak, then am I strong’

Gen_32:28        A New Name

Gen_32:31        Life’s Sunrise

Gen_33:3         A Happy Reunion

Gen_35:3         Back to Bethel

Gen_37:3         The Favourite Son

Gen_37:18        Unbrotherly Brothers

Gen_39:9         ‘Yield not to Temptation, for yielding is Sin’

Gen_40:3         A Noble Prisoner

Gen_41:14        Potentate and Prisoner

Gen_41:41        Prison to Palace

Gen_42:21-22     Conscience Awakened

Gen_42:30        Rough Tongue and Tender Heart

Gen_43:9         Surety for a Brother

Gen_43:30-31     Tenderness and Self-control

Gen_44:12        The Cup Discovered

Gen_44:32        A Brother’s Heart

Gen_45:5         ‘God is His own Interpreter, and He will make it plain’

Gen_45:28        Alive from the Dead!

Gen_46:4         Father and Son

Gen_47:9         A Tired Pilgrim

Gen_47:23        ‘Ye are bought with a price’

Gen_48:15-16     An Old Man’s Blessing

Gen_49:18        Waiting for God’s Salvation

Gen_50:26        Joseph’s Death