All: 2Sa 23:2, Mat 21:42, Mat 22:31, Mat 22:32, Mat 22:43, Mat 26:54, Mat 26:56, Mar 12:24, Mar 12:36, Joh 10:35, Act 1:16, Act 28:25, Rom 3:2, Rom 15:4, Gal 3:8, Heb 3:7, Heb 4:12, 2Pe 1:19-21
and is: Psa 19:7-11, Psa 119:97-104, Psa 119:130, Mic 2:7, Act 20:20, Act 20:27, 1Co 12:7, Eph 4:11-16
for doctrine: 2Ti 3:10
for reproof: 2Ti 4:2, Pro 6:23, Pro 15:10, Pro 15:31, Joh 3:20, Eph 5:11-13, Heb 11:1,*Gr.
for instruction: 2Ti 2:25, Deu 4:36, Neh 9:20, Psa 119:9, Psa 119:11, Mat 13:52, Act 18:25, Rom 2:20
Reciprocal: Deu 4:8 - General Deu 29:29 - revealed Job 32:8 - the inspiration Job 36:4 - perfect Psa 102:18 - This Psa 119:160 - Thy word is true from the beginning Zep 1:1 - word Act 16:1 - which Rom 4:23 - General Rom 12:2 - good 1Co 14:6 - doctrine Heb 5:13 - the word Jam 2:23 - the scripture 1Pe 2:6 - it 2Pe 1:21 - the prophecy