God meant that it should be just as true to say, "Man is love," as to say, "God is love." And some day when all of His great love has worked out to the full, it will be said. In the deeper instincts of our being, apart from the influence of sin, it is true that man is love. It is true because he is like God. And our inner consciousness, as we come nearest to God in touch and life, tells us that man is love.
Indeed, he is a man only as he is love. Anything else is a dropping to the level where that horrid foreign thing, sin, has come in to pervert, and stain, and lead us away from ourselves. The love-instinct to create is inbred in man. It underlies the whole life of our race. It is never lost. Indeed, it seems the strongest of all instincts in the race, wherever found, under all conditions.
But the full plan of God works out best as we work intelligently with Him. We were not only made like God, but made to live and work with Him. Our life and His are inseparably intermingled. That is the reason sin results in death; it separates us from our life.
God and man were intended to live and work together just as the sun and the rosebush do.
The sun draws out the new life of the bush in the spring, gathers up moisture, and holds it in the opening clouds, and sends it down in dew and ram. And the rosebush answers with its great fresh green, and richest bloom, and sweetest perfume. Its glad "thank you" is breathed fragrantly out the whole live-long day. That's just the way man and God are to live together in all life.
And it is the way we are to live and work together with Him in this holy work of creation. The creative touch of God's hand is upon every new life. There is a fresh breathing of the breath of God. And so the new man becomes an immortal spirit, wholly different from every other form of created life on earth, and immensely superior to every other because of this direct touch of God; he is master of every other. Over every coming new birth, the whole world over, broods the warm creative presence of God.
And it is a bit of God's strong, unfailing love that however man may, through ignorance, or passion, fail in his part of the new creation, God never fails in His. Even though man, either ignorantly, or thoughtlessly, or wilfully, may fail to be true to the divine image, and to the divine model of action in this creative work, God is always true to Himself, and to man. He never fails. Even "if we are faithless; He abideth faithful; for He cannot deny Himself." (2Ti_2:13 <http://www.crossbooks.com/verse.asp?ref=2Ti+2:13>.) Else what wreckage the race would have made! But man lies too deeply imbedded in the heart of God, for Him ever to fail.