May we who have been without grace till now hear the word of God at this hour and live; for this may be our last year of grace, and when it is over we may be cast into the fire of hell. Jesus has pleaded that we may be tried once more; but there is a limit to his pleadings. Note the two ifs, “And if,” “and if not.” Upon these two ifs hang eternity. The Lord grant that none of us may be cut down and cast into the eternal burnings.
See how the fruitless fig-tree stands,
Beneath its owner’s frown:
The axe is lifted in his hands,
To cut the cumberer down.
Year after year, I come,” he cries,
And still no fruit is shown;
Nothing but empty leaves arise,
Then cut the cumberer down.”
Sinner, beware! the axe of death
Is rais’d and aimed at thee:
Awhile thy Maker spares thy breath,
Beware, O barren tree!