Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: January 17

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: January 17

Today is: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Not as I will, but as Thou wilt.”



This was at once the patriarch’s crowning trial and grandest victory, and it came after he had obtained the choicest blessing of his life. Great privileges involve great trial.


His obedience was speedy, unhesitating, and complete. Think of that early hour, and the task of cleaving the wood for such a sacrifice. Could we thus obey the Lord?


Those days of deliberation must have severely tried him. We can do in a hurry what we should shrink from if we weighed it calmly.


Perhaps he feared lest the servants should interpose to prevent his obedient act.


A touching question, but Abraham would not allow his feelings to master his faith.


These were grandly prophetic words, and have been divinely fulfilled;


Jehovah-jireh or the Lord will provide


Thus was the covenant renewed in full, in connection with this great intended act of sacrifice: it is sweet to see the covenant of grace confirmed in the actual offering up of Jesus, the Only Begotten of the Father. O for grace to be in covenant with God in Christ Jesus.

My God and Father! while I stray

Far from my home, in life’s rough way,

Oh! teach me from my heart to say,

Thy will be done!” “Thy will be done!”

If thou shouldst call me to resign

What most I prize—it ne’er was mine;

I only yield thee what was thine:

Thy will be done!”


He shall see of the travail of His soul.”

Isaiah 53

The sacrifice of Isaac reminds us of the

Divine Father, who spared not his own

Son, but freely delivered him up for us all. Let us read Isaiah’s account of the sufferings of the

Great Son of God.


None believe the gospel, but those who are wrought upon by the power of God.


The Eternal Father out of love to man sent forth his Son to be thus dishonoured, and shamefully entreated among men. Herein is love!


Four words are used to describe the pains of the Lord Jesus—”wounded,” “bruised” “chastisement” “stripes.” How many, how varied, and how acute were his pains none of us can tell.


Here is the essence of the gospel—sin was laid on Jesus, and lies no longer on his people. Jehovah himself made the transfer, and therefore none dare question the lawfulness of it.


Jehovah took pleasure in the atoning sacrifice. So great was his love that he bruised the Son of his love to save rebellious sinners;

Yes, Jehovah himself put his own Son to grief. In this God commendeth his love towards us, and we ought to give our whole souls to him in return.


Those who unfeignedly trust in the Lord Jesus may rest assured that their sins have ceased to be, for Jesus has fully discharged their debt: they may also rejoice that the prevalent plea of the exalted Intercessor secures them from all harm. Let us draw near to the cross of Jesus, and rest our souls beneath the shadow of the Crucified. God has provided himself a Lamb for a burnt-offering, the victim is slain, the covenant is established, believers are secure. For this let the Eternal Father be evermore adored.

Nature with open volume stands,

To spread her Maker’s praise abroad;

And every labour of his hands

Shows something worthy of a God.

But in the grace that rescued man

His brightest form of glory shines;

Here, on the cross, ‘tis fairest drawn

In precious blood and crimson lines.

Here I behold his inmost heart,

Where grace and vengeance strangely join,

Piercing his Son with sharpest smart,

To make the purchased pleasures mine.