Thus the prophecy concerning Esau and Jacob was repeated with enlargements, “the elder shall serve the younger.” God’s purpose was accomplished, but this did not excuse Rebekah and Jacob, or screen them from the chastisements of God, which commenced at once. We ought never to do evil that good may come.
Father, to that firstborn of thine
Thou hast the blessing given,
The power, and dignity divine,
Th’ inheritance of heaven.
O how shall I the younger son,
The Elder’s right obtain?
I’ll put my Brother’s raiment on,
And thus the blessing gain.
Father, I joyfully believe
Thou art well pleased with me;
Thou dost at my approach perceive
A heavenly fragrancy.
Thou dost thy gracious will declare,
Thou dost delight to bless;
And why? My Brother’s garb I wear,
My Saviour’s righteousness.