Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: January 25

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: January 25

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God is for me.”

Gen_40:1; Gen_40:3-23


Thus providence regulated the royal household with an eye to Joseph, who was even in prison favoured of the Lord.


Not only men awake but asleep also shall be made to serve Joseph’s interests.


Thus should we show kindly sympathy, and seek each other’s welfare. What was fitting in a prison is even more so in a family.


Joseph bore brave witness to the living God; every believer should do so.


How lovingly does Joseph hide his brethren’s fault, and speak not of his being sold but “stolen.” He was stolen, for the Ishmeelites bought what the sellers had no right to sell. Let us use the gentlest word when called to speak of the wrong doing of others.


Whether for good or evil, the word of the Lord will be accomplished. Be it ours to have it in reverence.


Sad would it have been for Joseph had he put his trust in man; but though the butler forgot him his God did not. The Lord was reserving Joseph for a more timely deliverance; he was to come out of prison to a throne, and that was best secured by his waiting a little longer. It is good for a man to hope, and quietly wait for the salvation of God.

Put thou thy trust in God;

In duty’s path go on;

Fix on himself thy steadfast eye,

So shall thy work be done.

Though years on years roll on

His mercy shall endure;

Though clouds and darkness hide his path,

His promised grace is sure.


The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.”

Gen_41:1; Gen_41:8-16; Gen_41:25-36

Two years rolled away and Joseph was still in prison, for the right time had not come. If the vision tarry let us wait for it.


Joseph was under no obligation to any one for his release; he was fetched out of prison because the king needed him. Like his ancestor Abraham he owed not a thread or a shoe latchet to any man. God’s people shall thus be made the head and not the tail. The king of Egypt could not say, “I have made Joseph rich.” The Lord will exalt his servants in the best time, and in the best manner.


Then the king detailed his double dream to Joseph, which was at once interpreted by divine illumination, Joseph humbly and plainly ascribing all his knowledge to the true God. Pharaoh had complimented him, but he was not a man of vain mind, and therefore disclaimed all honour for himself.


Here was practical wisdom. This is what we should seek of God. Knowledge is of little service unless it be prudently utilised. To be anxiously careful for the future is wrong, but provident prudence is so evidently a virtue, that we wonder any should question it.

Ill that God blesses is our good,

And unblest good is ill,

And all is right that seems most wrong,

If it be his dear will.

I have no cares, O blessed Lord!

For all my cares are thine;

I live in triumph, Lord, for thou

Hast made thy triumphs mine.