They shall be saved from the terrible destruction, and as soon as they are removed, wrath shall break forth on the ungodly. Our Lord then returned to speak of. the overthrow of Jerusalem, and gave his disciples warning to watch the signs of the times.
When the gospel race is run,
When the Gentile day is done,
Signs and wonders there shall be
In the heaven, and earth, and sea.
Lo! mid terror and mid tears,
Jesus in the clouds appears,
While the trump’s tremendous blast
Peals, the loudest and the last.
East and west, and south and north,
Speeds each glorious angel forth,
Gathering in with glittering wing
Zion’s saints to Zion’s King.
Man nor angel knows that day;
Heaven and earth shall pass away;
Still shall stand the Saviour’s word,
Deathless as its deathless Lord.