Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 16

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 16

Today is: Monday, January 20th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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The Spirit also helpeth our infirmities.”


We will now read the concluding verses of that glorious eighth of Romans.


Our ignorance shows itself in prayer, and is our great infirmity, we cannot tell what blessing we most require. What a mercy it is that the Holy Spirit knows all things, and moves us to ask for what is best. Before we pray we should wait upon the Spirit for his guidance, and then we shall go in unto the King with an acceptable petition.


So that he inclines our hearts to request the very blessings which the Father has determined to give, and hence our prayers are but the transcripts of the divine decrees.


Like links in a golden chain, each one of the blessings of grace draws on another. The central links are within our view, and if we know them to be ours, we may be sure that the others which belong to the past and the future are securely fastened to them. He who is called is most assuredly predestinated, and shall, beyond all question, be in due time glorified.


This is the master argument in prayer. If we understand its force we shall not be afraid of asking too much.


shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? All these have been tried.


But did they divide the suffering ones from Jesus?


So far from being divided from the love of Jesus, the saints were in persecuting times driven closer to their Lord, so that they enjoyed yet sweeter communion with him. No earthly trial can make Jesus forget the souls for whom he died; he changes not in the purpose of his mind or the affection of his heart.


The apostle began with No condemnation and he ends with No separation, filling up the space between with priceless covenant blessings. No chapter in the Bible is more crowded with sublime and consoling teaching. Lord, grant us to know and enjoy all the inestimable privileges which it reveals.

He lives, he lives, and sits above,

For ever interceding there;

Who shall divide us from his love?

Or what shall tempt us to despair?

Shall persecution, or distress,

Famine, or sword, or nakedness?

He that hath loved us bears us through,

And makes us more than conquerors too.

Faith hath an overcoming power,

It triumphs in the dying hour:

Christ is our life, our joy, our hope;

Nor can we sink with such a prop.


God hath not cast away His people which He foreknew.”

Rom_11:1-12; Rom_11:25-36


Personal evidence is best. Paul, as an undoubted Israelite, found in his own conversion the proof that the Lord had not utterly rejected the seed of Abraham.


Wot or know


Things are often much better with the church of God than wise and good men think they are. They are ready to give up all for lost, when it is not so. God has a remnant still.


This is the gospel in a nutshell. He who remembers these distinctions is on the right road to sound theology.


“It is a dreadful art that some acquire of having eyes and not seeing, of having ears and not hearing, of sleeping on when heaven, earth, and hell are making their souls a battle-field.”


Though blindness has happened to Israel in part, yet not to all Israel. The Lord knoweth them that are his, and he will save them by his grace. Better times are, however, coming even for Israel after the flesh, for in the latter days they shall be converted to the Saviour.


He never repents of his choice, or changes his purposes of love.


He shuts them up as condemned by the law, that he may deal with them in a way of grace.


All things are of him, as the efficient cause; through him, as the disposing cause; to him, as the final cause. They are of him, without any other motive; through him, without any assistance; and to him, without any other end.