Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 2

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 2

Today is: Sunday, September 15th, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Thanks be unto God, who always causeth us to triumph in Christ.”



This represents the impotency of all men in spiritual things till the grace of God puts strength into them. When we were yet without strength Christ died for the ungodly.


Even now-a-days foolish persons will speak of a new minister as if he were a god, and in a short time will turn round and oppose him.


We do not find that they rent their clothes when the people talked of stoning them, but when they spake of worshipping them, they could not bear it; being more concerned for God’s honour than their own


This is popularity—a god yesterday, and a criminal to-day; garlands first, stones afterwards. How fickle is man!


Paul was left for dead.


Paul was a true hero, the garlands did not ensnare him, nor the stones defeat him; he had young converts to cheer, and at all hazards he entered the city again


The apostles had themselves endured much tribulation, and they very candidly assured the converts that they must expect the same. If we reckon upon a smooth path to heaven we deceive ourselves.


Churches must have pastors; those assemblies which have no ministers are not according to the apostles order.


The returned missionaries held one of the first missionary meetings. Their speeches consisted of the details of God’s work through them, and made the saints in Antioch exceedingly glad.

As a family, do we help missions as we ought? The heathens are perishing, are we clear of their blood?

The heathen perish: day by day

Thousands on thousands pass away;

O Christians, to their rescue fly;

Preach Jesus to them ere they die.


We are not under the law, but under grace.”

Act_15:1-2; Act_15:4-20; Act_15:30-31


And certain men which came down to Antioch


It was time that this question was settled once for all, before division grew up as the result of it. The first question—”Can the Gentiles be saved?” had been answered; the second was the one before us—”Must they not be circumcised?”


The old leaven showed itself. How closely do old ways and thoughts cling to even regenerate men!


This is the vital doctrine of Christianity—salvation by grace, and that grace revealed in our crucified Lord. Luther says, “We must not yield nor give up this article though heaven and earth should perish.” Peter’s short and telling speech was a noble contribution to the Gentile cause.


These addresses would have great weight in the discussion.


Thus James summed up the evidence, and the brethren saw their way clear to a decision which was hearty and unanimous, Barnabas and Silas were sent to Antioch with a letter containing the opinion which had been so ably stated by James and supported by the whole body of disciples. Oh, that all disputes among Christians could be settled in such a manner!


And a great comfort it was, for the saints were confirmed in their freedom from the Jewish yoke, those who troubled them were silenced, and the Gentiles were still further encouraged to receive the gospel. The Antioch Christians had done well to seek a settlement of a vexed question.

Ye Gentile sinners, ne’er forget

The wormwood and the gall;

Go—spread your trophies at his feet,

And crown him Lord of all.