Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 27

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 27

Today is: Sunday, February 9th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Bear ye one another’s burdens.”

Galatians 6


Because men travel so slowly, sin overtakes them, overthrows them, and breaks their bones; believers who are in a better case must lovingly endeavour to heal their brethren, saying to themselves, “They fell yesterday, and we shall fall to-day unless the Lord shall hold us up.”


We have each one his own load of responsibility to bear, and therefore we do well to remember our own faults and sympathise with the infirmities of others. When tempted to condemn others, let us look at home.


The preacher who zealously labours for our good in spirituals well deserves to partake of our temporals.


The rule of reaping what we sow is not changed under the gospel, but obtains an importance greater than before, for now we sow better seed, and through grace reap a richer harvest. At the same time, those who after hearing the word continue sowing to the flesh, will reap additional misery, because their sin is greatly increased by refusing the gospel light.


Our kindness is to be general and yet special, like the redemption of our Lord Jesus, “who is the Saviour of all men, specially of them that believe.”


Probably his eyes were weak, and as he resolved to write with his own hand he used what an old divine calls “good great texthand letters.” He mentions this little circumstance to show his earnestness in what he had written.


They wanted to boast of their many followers and to curry favour with the Jews by showing that their converts to Jesus were also proselytes to circumcision. Paul cared not for such boastings.


He cared nothing for the marks in his flesh which proved him to be a Jew, he valued far more those scars which he had received while engaged in the service of Jesus; these he looked upon as being the Lord’s brand upon him, like the ear mark which was received by a Hebrew servant when he resolved to abide with his master for life. It is useless to oppose a man of Paul’s order, he is too resolute to be turned aside, it is wisest for the enemy to let him alone.

When I survey the wondrous cross

On which the Prince of glory died,

My richest gain I count but loss,

And pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,

Save in the death of Christ, my God;

All the vain things that charm me most,

I sacrifice them to his blood.


Accepted in the Beloved.”

The Epistle to the Ephesians is a complete body of divinity, treating of doctrinal, experimental, and practical godliness, in the most full and instructive manner. Its peculiar quality is sublimity. To be truly understood it must be spiritually discerned. O Lord, enlighten us.

Ephesians 1


Grace first, and peace as its consequence. That peace which does not come to us as the result of grace is false and dangerous. Note how he links the Father and the Lord Jesus together; for neither grace nor peace can come to us, except through God in Christ Jesus.


All spiritual blessings come to us by the way of election, and have their fountain in eternal love; but we are not chosen that we may live in sin, God has chosen us to holiness.


Adoption and acceptance in Christ follow upon the divine choice. Do we possess these priceless blessings?


Jesus is the centre as well as the channel of all blessedness; all the chosen in heaven and earth are to be gathered together in one in him.


In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, we have it even now in its price, in its first principle, and in the divine pledge and earnest of the Spirit


Have we the Holy Ghost? Then we have already a part of heaven; yea, the very soul, mainspring, and glory of its infinite delights.


Where there was much good, the apostle prayed for more. We all need still further to advance in divine things. To stand still is impossible.


How enraptured the apostle is when he speaks of the glories of Jesus; and well he may be, for it is a theme far excelling every other. Let us muse upon it till our hearts burn with love and our souls bow in adoration at his feet.