Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 28

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 28

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By grace ye are saved.”

Ephesians 2

We have already seen how Paul describes what God’s grace has done for us; we shall now hear him recite what it has wrought in us if we are indeed saved.


we were without spiritual life, but now we are made alive unto God; regeneration is as great a wonder as if the corpses in the churchyard should burst their graves and begin life again. Grace is life, sin is death, conversion is a resurrection.


What a humbling passage! The best of men were by nature no better than the worst. Satan found a willing servant in each one of us, and such we should still have been had not grace interposed.


That little sentence, “By grace ye are saved,” is the key of true divinity. Study it well, and believe it thoroughly, and you will escape a thousand doctrinal errors. Carry this text in your heart, and you will be sound in the faith.


We grovel in the dust by nature, but grace sets us up above all earthly things. What manner of persons ought we to be who sit with Jesus in heaven!


In saved men the love of God is more clearly seen than in all the universe besides. The new creation is the crown of all the works of God.


The distance was infinite, and the nearness is intimate. The blood of Jesus works marvels, it annihilates distance, breaks down partition walls, and transforms aliens into sons.


Here we have the Trinity in one verse all uniting to help us to pray. All the three divine persons must aid us before we can offer a single acceptable petition.


The saints of God are not so many loose stones, but they are parts of a building, and it is for each one of us to fill his place in the church for the good of others and the glory of the Lord, who dwells within his church as a king in his palace. Let us remember this, and seek above all things to promote the unity, edification, and holiness of all our brethren in Christ.


Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”

Ephesians 3

Paul with the chain clanking upon his wrist writes most jubilantly of his position and office, counting it more honourable to be “the prisoner of the Lord” than to be the favourite of Cæsar.


The greater the saint the less he thinks of himself A very correct estimate of a mans worth may be gathered from his humility. Weighty materials sink, only “trifles, light as air” rise into the clouds.


Even angels are to learn from us. Saints will be lesson-books in which the cherubim and seraphim will read with astonishment the wisdom and love of God; this was the eternal design of the great Lord of all, and he will not allow his purpose in any measure to be thwarted.


See how he forgets himself, and is only anxious that they may not be distressed about him; after this manner ought we also to sink self, and live for the good of others.


It is delightful to think of Paul pausing in the middle of his letter to kneel down and implore a blessing upon his friends, feeling himself, even in his prison, to be one of an august family, which had its dwelling-place not only on earth but in heaven also, and yet was one and indivisible. Let us devoutly listen to the apostles prayer and offer it for all believers.


Having prayed, Paul now turns to praising; the two holy exercises are very near of kin, and the one naturally leads on to the other. We should sing more doxologies if we offered more intercessions.

Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell

By faith and love in every breast;

Then shall we know, and taste, and feel

The joys that cannot be express’d.

Come fill our hearts with inward strength;

Make our enlargèd souls possess

And learn the height, and breadth, and length

Of thine unmeasurable grace.

Now to the God whose power can do

More than our thoughts or wishes know;

Be everlasting honours done

By all the church, through Christ his Son.