Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 30

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 30

Today is: Sunday, September 15th, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Put on the whole armour of God.”


We are about to read a peculiarly beautiful passage, in which the apostle represents the believer as a soldier, and urges hint to prepare for the battle by taking to himself all defensive and offensive arms.


Satan will assail every part of us, and therefore we need to be protected from head to foot, like the knights of old.


If we fought with men we might be less guarded; wrestling as we do with subtle and spiritual adversaries, whose weapons are as mysterious as they are deadly, it becomes us to be doubly watchful lest in some unguarded point we receive wounds which will bleed for years.


A girdle of sincerity keeps the whole man in marching order, and braces him up to meet the father of lies. An insincere man is a loose man, and a loose man is a lost man,


This will guard the heart. The righteousness of God, imputed and imparted, will protect the heart, and blunt the edge of Satan’s temptations which he aims at the soul. Take notice that a breastplate is provided, but no backplate: we must never think of going back, we are bound to face the enemy, no provision is made for a retreat.


With a happy, calm, confidence, because the gospel has given us perfect peace, we shall march over the rough places of the way without becoming discontented or depressed. No pilgrim is so well booted and buskined as he who is at peace with God, his fellowmen, and his own conscience.


Faith, like a shield, covers all and is therefore important above all. Look well to your confidence in God, for if this fails all fails.


He who is truly saved and knows it will wear a “helm of health.” The seat of thought and decision will be safe


The Bible is a bright, keen, pointed, well-tempered weapon, for offence and defence, it cuts a way for us through all foes, slays sin, and chases away even Satan himself. “It is written” is the terror of hell.


This weapon of all-prayer will often serve our turn when all others are out of our reach. So long as we can pray we shall not be overcome.


He winds up with good wishes and prayers. A Christian should be known even by his letters; when other men use empty compliments, he should abound in earnest prayers and holy wishes. Let us take note of this next time the pen is in our hand.

Soldiers of Christ, arise,

And put your armour on,

Strong in the strength which God supplies

Through His eternal Son:

Stand, then, in His great might,

With all His strength endued;

But take, to arm you for the fight,

The panoply of God.

From strength to strength go on,

Wrestle, and fight, and pray,

Tread all the powers of darkness down,

And win the well-fought day.


He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it.”


We have now reached the Epistle to the Philippians, which has been well called the epistle of love and joy. In it we see most of the inner character of the apostle; there was the utmost mutual love between him and the brethren at Philippi.


They were the most generous and faithful of the churches, and gave the apostle much joy. Should we not all aim to cheer the heart of our ministers by our zeal and liberality?


This delightful confidence is the crowning joy of the Christian life. If he who began the good work did not also carry it on we should be in a wretched plight, but, blessed be God, the work of grace is in the hands of one who never leaves his work unfinished.


The one point in which the Philippians failed was love and unity among themselves; for this Paul prayed, for it is of the first importance.


Sweet forgetfulness of self! So long as Christ is glorified, Paul minds not how he himself fares, nor what unkind motives towards himself may actuate other preachers. This is real Christianity.


He hoped that the spread of the gospel would call Nero’s attention to his case, and end his imprisonment one way or another, and little did he care whether he was set free by death, or by being allowed to resume his labours.


He would even stay out of heaven a while for their sakes. Oh, to live only to do good! This is to live indeed.

Were the whole realm of nature mine

That were a present far too small:

Love so amazing, so divine,

Demands my soul, my life, my all.