Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 6

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: November 6

Today is: Monday, January 20th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?”


After the defeat of the Jews before the judgment seat of Gallio, Paul remained at Corinth for some time, and then sailed to Ephesus, where they desired him to remain; but he thought fit to proceed by vessel to Cesarea, and onward to Jerusalem. Thence he travelled again to Antioch, and set out on another tour. This indefatigable apostle was always at work, spending and being spent for the Lord Jesus.


There are even now professing Christians who know nothing of the Holy Ghost, of the spirit of repentance, of the new birth, of adoption, of holy joy, or of sanctified fellowship. What do we each one of us personally know of the Holy Spirit?


and separated the disciples, disputing or discoursing

Temple, or house, or barn, or school

(The gospel consecrates the place,)

No matter where, so Jesus rule

And teach the lessons of his grace.”


Wretched is that man who uses the name of Jesus for his own ends, knowing nothing of its power in his own heart. It is to be feared that many do this even now.


How sad is it that when Satan wants tools he often finds them among the sons of ministers.


The evil spirit laughs at those whom God has not sent forth into the ministry; they may use pious words, but they are destitute of divine power, and will surely be the sport of hell.


Or nearly £2,000. Bad books, and bad pictures, never look so much in their place as when blazing away in a bonfire.

Your cards, and foolish books disdain

And cast your plays into the flame.”)


May a like good work be done all around us, for there is great need of it.

Spirit of Truth, be thou

In life and death our guide!

O Spirit of Adoption, now

May we be sanctified!


why do the heathen rage?”


Paul was about to leave Ephesus and journey to Jerusalem, when a riot occurred, which is thus described:—Act_19:23-41.


He employed a large number of artisans in making shrines, which were purchased by pilgrims, to be carried home with them as memorials of the goddess. Demetrius was afraid that his trade would be injured through the spread of Christian doctrine, and, therefore, stirred up his men.


How finely does he veil self-interest under the cloak of religion. Selfishness is the most powerful adversary to the cause of truth.


Yes, and greatly profitable was the trade of shrine-making!


Had it not been for these entreaties the heroic apostle would have faced the crowd.


If this man was Alexander the coppersmith, we can understand why the Jews pushed him forward as their representative, for he would be supposed to have weight with his brother craftsmen. The object of the Jews was to show that they were not connected with Paul, and also to cast more odium upon the Christians.

The mob confounded the Christians with the Jews, and were in no mood to hear any explanation.


townclerk or recorder


Paul’s language had been moderate and winning. He had used no opprobrious language in reference to the idol.


Calmed by his judicious speech, the mob retired, and the danger for the Christians ended. The Lord can rule the raging of the people and preserve his own servants from imminent peril.

The waves of the sea when highest they rise

Are governed by thee, our Lord in the skies;

Thy succour imploring, thy presence we find

To silence the roaring, and quiet the wind.

The fierceness of men who threaten so loud,

Thy word can restrain, and bridle the crowd;

And when it represses their madness of will,

The hurricane ceases, the tumult is still.