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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 13
Today is: Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)
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“Without shedding of blood is no remission.”
It was absolutely needful that guilt should be atoned for, and, therefore, Jesus became a mediator. Nothing short of this could secure the eternal inheritance for those who are called. Take away the atonement and you have robbed our Lord of his greatest reason for being a mediator at all. We love and live upon the truth of his atoning death.
Or it may be understood that a covenant is not of force till the victim is slain to ratify it with blood. In either sense the death of Jesus was necessary to secure to us the blessings of the gospel
Blood was seen on all sides under the law, it was vital to its teachings. The blood of Jesus is the very life of the gospel; a ministry without the blood of Jesus in it is dead and worthless.
This solemn truth needs to be well learned and remembered. Nothing can cleanse us but the blood of Jesus. Sacraments, prayers, repentances are all useless as a substitute for faith in the blood.
The blood of bulls would suffice to purge the types, but the realities must have a richer sacrifice to cleanse them.
Once has Jesus offered sacrifice, and only once. All attempts to offer him again, as the priests pretend to do in the mass, are blasphemous, and are an insinuation that the one offering was not sufficient. As for us, let us rest on the once offered atonement, and in humble faith know that we are fully accepted.
shall he appear the second time without sin or without a sin-offering
Every man’s death day is his doomsday, all is settled then. So Jesus, when he died, finished his atoning work, and nothing remains for him but to come a second time, no more to die, to take his great reward.
O Christ, what burdens bow’d thy head!
Our load was laid on thee:
Thou stoodest in the sinner’s stead,
To bear all ill for me.
Death and the curse were in our cup,
O Christ, ‘twas full for thee!
But thou hast drained the last dark drop,
Tis empty now for me.
Jehovah lifted up his rod,
O Christ, it fell on thee!
Thou wast sore stricken of thy God;
There’s not one stroke for me.
For me, Lord Jesus, thou hast died,
And I have died in thee;
Thou’rt risen; my bands are all untied;
And now thou liv’st in me.
“By one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.”
he that is, Jesus
The Holy Ghost bears witness to the perfection of our Lord’s sacrifice, for he declares that the believer’s sins will be remembered no more.
no more offering for sin and no need of any
If we reject the atonement of Jesus now, there is no other sacrifice, and we must of necessity perish.
The ever-blessed Soft of God
Went up to Calvary for me,
There paid my debt, there bore my load
In his own body on the tree.
‘Tis finish’d all; the veil is rent,
The welcome sure, the access free;
Now, then, we leave our banishment,
O Father, to return to thee.