Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 18

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 18

Today is: Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed.”

1 Peter 4


We reckon the sufferings and death of Jesus to be ours. We cannot, therefore, love the sin for which such sufferings were endured. We have, in Jesus, been put to death for sin, and henceforth we are dead to it.


Regeneration makes a marvellous change in men, and it generally happens that the ungodly see it, and at once begin to persecute the convert. Have we been converted? If so, we may expect opposition, but we need not be afraid of it, for the Lord is on our side.


Our departed brethren heard the gospel to this end, that, though condemned to die by their cruel persecutors, they might win the immortal crown, and glorify God as his witnesses.


Of love, the Christian poet sings

Tis gentle, delicate, and kind

To faults compassionate or blind.”


trying to follow both the sense and spirit of the inspired Scripture


if any man minister or render service


By such exhortations as these the heroes of the cross were trained to endurance, so that they defied death, and torments worse than death. Have we any of their brave spirit?


A solemn question! Answer it, each one of you, if you are still unsaved. Where will you appear? Oh, be wise, and fly to Jesus; enlist beneath his banner, cost you what it may. May the Lord lead you to do so.

Press forward and fear not! though trial be near:

The Lord is our refuge—whom then shall we fear?

His staff is our comfort, our safeguard his rod;

Then let us be steadfast and trust in our God.

Press forward and fear not! we’ll speed on our way;

Why should we e’er shrink from our path in dismay?

We tread but the way which our Leader has trod;

Then let us press forward and trust in our God.


He careth for you.”

1 Peter 5


He did not style himself Lord Bishop, much less Head of the Church; but though he was an apostle, he took the lowest room and called himself an elder


This last is best of all. It was an honour to be an elder, and a high distinction to have been an eyewitness of the sufferings of our Lord, but to be by faith an heir of the coming glory is far beyond both. It is a happy circumstance that we may all attain to this, though we cannot to the other two. If we believe in Jesus we are “partakers of the glory that shall be revealed.”


Feed the flock of God which is among you this is what the Lord Jesus bade Peter himself do


Ministers may do more by their example than by their discourses. Let us pray for them that they may be upheld in the path of integrity.


In the olden times servants wore long white aprons, and the original word here used alludes to that dress. We are not to assume a lordly style, but stand apron-ed with humility, ready to serve our fellow Christians in all lowliness of mind.


If it should seem hard to yield to others, do it for the Lord’s sake, as under his hand, and he will in due time honour you.


If we were the only persons who were tempted of the devil we might be terrified; but since he is the common enemy of all believers, and has been defeated by them all in turn, let us show him a bold front, that it may be said of us as of Christian in “Pilgrim’s Progress,”

The man so bravely played the man

He made the fiend to fly.”


Silvanus or Silas


To exhort and to bear witness were the chief works of an apostle, especially the latter. By these Peter fed the sheep and lambs of Christ. We also can exhort and testify if we know the Lord, and have experienced his goodness. Are we doing so?


This blessing is given to all in Christ Jesus, but to none else. “There is no peace, saith my God, unto the wicked.” Restlessness here, and woe for ever, are the portion of those who are out of Christ. O Lord, let none in this household remain without faith in Jesus.

When I can read my title clear

To mansions in the skies,

I bid farewell to every fear,

And wipe my weeping eyes.

Should earth against my soul engage,

And hellish darts be hurl’d,

Then I can smile at Satan’s rage,

And face a frowning world.

Let cares like a wild deluge come,

And storms of sorrow fall,

May I but safely reach my home,

My God, my heaven, my all!

There shall I bathe my weary soul

In seas of heavenly rest,

And not a wave of trouble roll

Across my peaceful breast.


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