Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 30

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 30

Today is: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying.”

Rev_21:1-12; Rev_21:14-16; Rev_21:18-23; Rev_21:25-27


After the general judgment comes the full glory of the church, which is here represented as a heavenly city, or a bride in her marriage dress.


fearful or cowardly


The city shone in dazzling light a vision of brightness, such as never before was seen of mortal eye.

Rev_21:12; Rev_21:14-16

The vision was inconceivably grand, the city seemed to stand on such an eminence, and its buildings reared their stately heads so high aloft, that it was as high as it was broad; and yet its breadth was three hundred and seventy-five miles. This gives us a glimpse of inconceivable vastness and sublimity. The number of the redeemed must be immense to need such a dwelling-place.


The unutterable splendour and grandeur of the church triumphant blazes before us in these dazzling metaphors.

Rev_21:22-23; Rev_21:25-27

How repeatedly in this chapter is falsehood branded as a dreadful sin! This should warn us to be truthful in all things, lest we be shut out of heaven.


Surely I come quickly. Amen.”

Revelation 22


In the new Eden as in the old there is a river, but it does not take its rise from the springs of earth, its source is the throne of God.


Eden of old had but one such tree, but it is common in the new Jerusalem, and prevents the possibility of disease and death ever invading that happy city. Fallen man. might not eat of its immortal fruit, but man restored shall feast upon it freely.


How few are watching! How many trifle as if these things were mere dreams, or matters so remote as to deserve no consideration.


There is no hope of change of character in another state. Where death leaves us judgment finds us and eternity holds us.

that they may have right or privilege to approach


Omissions and additions are equally forbidden. Those who have committed this crime of tampering with the Bible, have generally professed to be Christians, hence their penalty is that their names shall be blotted out of that sacred register in which they believed them to be enrolled.


As we close the year let us pray that our family reading may prove a blessing to us all. God grant that we may not read without profit, but may each one find Jesus in the Scriptures, as the merchant found the one pearl of great price hidden in the field.