Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 7

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 7

Today is: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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The love of money is the root of all evil.”

1 Timothy 6

The first epistle to Timothy concludes with a practical exhortation relating to various classes in the church, and with an earnest word to the young minister himself.


For Christian servants to take undue liberties because their employers are believers, is shameful, they ought rather to render them higher respect and more willing service.


It makes us truly happy, by making our little into much and sweetening all the trials of life: “Poor and content is rich, and rich enough.”


Enough is as good as a feast, and frequently better, for it saves us from the ills of surfeit,—the sure punishment of greediness.


Money can be used for the best of purposes, but the love of it is idolatry and the cause of countless evils. How is it that so many professed Christians live only to make money, and are just as eager after wealth as the avowed worldling?


Having spoken to those who seek riches, he now admonishes those who possess them, that they must not hoard for themselves, but lay up treasure in heaven by generously distributing their goods on earth. Have we property? Let us hold it as stewards of the Lord. It is both our duty and our happiness to use all that we have to glorify him who, though he was rich, yet became poor for our sakes. Is he truly ours? Then let all ours be truly his.


O Lord, grant that grace may be with us also, this day and till the last great day. Amen.

Let us, in life and death,

Thy steadfast truth declare;

And publish with our atest breath,

Thy love, and guardian care.


Hold fast the form of sound words.”

2 Timothy 1

The second epistle to Timothy is remarkable as being probably the last which the apostle wrote; it contains dying advice, written in the immediate prospect of martyrdom. Looking forward calmly to the grave, and with the executioner’s axe in the foreground, Paul pens this letter to his favourite disciple, and solemnly charges him to abide faithful unto death.


We see here the inmost heart of Paul. Deserted by many of his friends, and in the feebleness of old age, expecting a cruel death, he cherishes the memory of his beloved young disciple, and longs to look once more upon his face. With joy he remembers the holy mother and grandmother of his friend, and the unfeigned piety of Timothy himself. How natural and how touching!


Do not hesitate to come to Rome and bear with me the reproaches and dangers which belong to the ministers of Christ,


“The old man eloquent” feels his soul kindling as he describes the glories of the gospel, eternal in its purpose, matchless in its achievements. He sits on the brink of the grave, and sings of one who hath abolished death. Faith in the resurrection could alone suggest such a triumphant exclamation.


This is the main burden of the apostle’s pleading with Timothy, “Hold fast.” We have equal need of the same exhortation, for this is an evil day, and thousands hold everything or nothing as the winds of opinion may change.


This good man is here immortalised. When he risked his life to find out and succour a poor despised prisoner, he little knew that he would live for ever on the page of the church’s history. His cup of cold water given to an apostle has received an apostle’s reward. Are there any yet alive like Paul to whom we might minister in love after the manner of Onesiphorus?

Stripp’d of my earthly friends,

I find them all in One;

And peace, and joy that never ends,

And heav’n, in Christ alone!