Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 8

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: December 8

Today is: Friday, October 18th, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”

2 Timothy 2


Soldiers must be free from other business, and it is well for ministers not to encumber themselves with any other pursuit, but give themselves wholly to their Master’s work. If so, their people must see that they are supplied with all they need, even as a nation sees that its soldiers have their rations and all other necessaries.


This was his consolation, he was bound, but the gospel was not.


Here we have another Christian proverb, and in fact a hymn of the early church. It should be learned by heart, and often quoted by us.


We must keep clear of mystifyings, spiritualizings, traditions, and idle controversies. Plain sailing is best for Christian men.


The sentences inscribed upon the seal are precious and practical: there is the secret of the Lord, and the open manifestation of it. Election and holiness are bosom companions.


Fit to be used of God! Is not this a glorious condition? Prepared not for some good work, but for every good work! Is not this a grand attainment? Let us aim at this, and never rest till we reach it.


Leave theories for those who like them, and by the grace of God, love and live the realities of religion, whatever they may cost you.

Grant, oh, grant thy Spirit’s teaching,

That I may not go astray,

Till, the gate of heaven reaching,

Earth and sin are pass’d away!


Continue thou in the things which thou hast learned.”

2 Timothy 3


These persons will be in the church, and trouble it exceedingly. Many such are already around us, and they are on the increase: it is little use controverting with them, or seeking to set them right: we had better leave them to their own devices, and as they are in the Lord’s hands he will know how to deal with them.


These deceivers acted like Jesuits, spreading their doctrine secretly among the weaker sort. Truth fears not the light, but falsehood is a night bird, and flies abroad by stealth. If any religious teacher asks us to conceal from our friends what he has told us, we may be sure that he is good for nothing.


Jannes and Jambres Pharaoh’s magicians


Paul laid bare the deceitful workings of the false teachers, boldly exposing them. However gentle we may be, we must not allow falsehood to be secretly spread, but must drag it to the light, and smite it till it dies.


Christ’s soldiers must expect hard blows. The cross is always to be borne by those who trust in the Crucified: it is idle and mean to endeavour to escape it.

Must I be carried to the skies

On flowery beds of ease

While others fought to win the prize

And sailed through bloody seas?”


There is no mending them, they must go on to the bitter end. Terrible will be their doom.


Happy Timothy to be thus prepared for the conflict with error! Happier still to be enabled by grace to remain steadfast in that truth which from a child he had been taught. Yet he needed to be exhorted to steadfastness, and so do we. Never, never may any one of us give ear to false doctrine, but may we cling to the gospel with all our might.


Never let us forget this. The whole of the Bible is inspired, and is to be devoutly received as the infallible truth of God. Get away from this, and we have nothing left to hold by. Whatever we do, let us never give up the Bible. Those who would weaken our reverence for it are our worst enemies.

Tis in cleaving to thee only,

That my spirit finds its rest;

Tis while gazing on thy beauty,

I am truly, fully blest.

Keep me then, Lord Jesus, near thee,

Resting in thy precious love;

Till thine unveiled presence cheer me,

In thine own blest courts above.