Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 11

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 11

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He hath triumphed gloriously.”


We will now read the song of Moses, which is prophetically typical of the ultimate victory of the Lord Jesus.


In order to leave the song unbroken, we have reserved our few notes for the end of it.

Observe the sublimity and simplicity of the composition. Fine, florid language suits the little elegancies of man but not the glories of the Lord. Note how all the song is to the praise of the Lord alone, there is not a note for Moses or for Aaron; no hint of secondary agents, but Jehovah alone is exalted. Remark the noise, hurry, and violence of the foe, in Exo_15:9, and the calmness of the Lord, in Exo_15:10. It will be well to read them both again. Man is raving and threatening, and the Lord in placid omnipotence defeats his rage. Consider also, how the poet infers the future from the present. God who brought his people through the sea, would surely bring them into their heritage. He who has wrought marvels of grace already, will not leave us till grace is turned into glory.

What a noble hallelujah is that of Exo_15:18, “Jehovah shall reign for ever and ever.” It is a plain inference from his overthrow of his enemies. Let us triumph in our reigning God. He has overcome sin, death, and hell for us; let us therefore, like Miriam, rejoice with all the saints. Let our heart dance, and our hand make music unto our Redeemer, who has cast our enemies into the depths of the sea.


Thou art the Lord that doest wonders.”

Psalms 77

On this occasion we shall read Psalms 77.

This will show us the way in which holy men of old derived comfort from the great miracle of the Red Sea. Here is Asaph, almost in despair, encouraged by remembering the Lord’s wonders of old.


His spirits sank so low that like a sick man who cannot eat what is good for him, he was unable to believe cheering truths.


God’s people know by experience the lonely glens of soul trouble.


This is a musical pause, or perhaps it means “lift up the tune.” Let us lift up our hearts.


These questions are suggested by fear, but they may serve as the cure of fear. Their answers are both self-evident and heart-cheering.


This accounts for most of our fears. They have no real ground, but are based upon our weakness of faith. The evil is in us, not in providence; the change in our hearts, not in the immutable God


“Remember,” “meditate,” “talk,”—this is a wise order. Imitate it.


Quiet caves of the sea, far down in the abyss, were stirred with fright; and the waters fled as if they feared the face of the Lord.


According to Josephus there was a terrible storm when the Egyptians were in the midst of the sea; there would seem from the text to have been rain, tempest, and earthquake combined. All the elements are the allies of Israel, and the enemies of the ungodly.


Our God has mysterious ways of delivering his people, but deliver them he will.


They felt no storm and feared no ill, but were as quiet and safe as sheep protected by their shepherd. Even thus shall all the saints be secure, while their enemies are utterly overwhelmed.

I’ll call to mind thy works of old,

The wonders of thy might;

On them my heart shall meditate,

Them shall my tongue recite.

Thy people, Lord, long since have thee

A God of wonders found:

Long since hast thou thy chosen seed

With strong deliv’rance crown’d.

Sound the loud timbrel o’er Egypt’s dark sea I

Jehovah hath triumph’d: his people are free.

Sing, for the pride of the tyrant is broken,

His chariots and horsemen all splendid and brave,

How vain was their boasting! the Lord hath but spoken,

And chariots and horsemen are sunk in the wave.

Sound the loud timbrel o’er Egypt’s dark sea!

Jehovah hath triumph’d: his people are free.