Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 13

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 13

Today is: Sunday, September 15th, 2024 (Show Today's Devotion)

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He that believeth on Me hat everlasting life.”



The education of future generations should be the earnest care of the people of God, since the Lord himself so constantly ordained means for perpetuating the memory of his deeds of grace. The Lord knows that the race is apt to forget even his greatest wonders, and therefore he puts them in remembrance.


Even thus should we treasure the memory of the Lord’s great goodness to us. In the ark of our memory, the golden pot should be kept in store.


The storehouses of Jehovah are never exhausted. All the while the Lord’s people are in the wilderness, whether it be forty years or eighty years, their bread shall be given them, their waters shall be sure. Trust ye in the Lord for ever.


The manna was a very full and instructive type of our Lord Jesus, who is the spiritual bread of his people. In order to understand this, let us read his own words in


He is life to believers and the support of their life.


Though the manna came from heaven, yet it brought not immortality with it as Jesus does. The Jews died, and died very terribly too, many of them; but those who feed on Jesus live for ever.


This spiritual bread confers, supports, and preserves spiritual life.


They looked at the words and did not discern the sense, and hence they asked this very natural question.


Our Lord would not explain his parabolic speech to them. It was not given to them to understand.


Some persons dream that this applies to the Lord’s supper, which was not even instituted at the time. It refers neither to the supper, nor to the mass, nor to any sacrificial bread, but to our Lord himself, who must be fed upon spiritually and not in symbol only. Too many even now are like the Jews, and. cannot understand spiritual truth, but stumble over the literal meaning.


The nearest possible union is established between Jesus and the believer.


Have we all in our hearts received Jesus? Are we trusting in Him alone? Do we commune with him? For this is to feed upon him, and enter into living union with him.

Bread of heaven! on thee I feed,

For thy flesh is meat indeed;

Ever may my soul be fed

With this true and living bread.

Those who feed on thee are blest,

Never more by hunger pressed;

Day by day with strength supplied,

Through the life of Him who died.


Be careful for nothing.”


The way in which the Lord supplied the needs of his people in the desert, suggests to us a meditation upon the divine care and faithfulness as to the temporal wants of his people. It is our privilege to depend upon the Lord for everything as much as Israel did in the wilderness. It is still true that our God will supply all our needs. Hence our Lord Jesus has taught us to keep clear of all carking care and to walk by faith. Let us read his words in


So not fret and worry about such secondary things. God who gives us lives and bodies will give us food and clothing.


Martin Luther was one day walking in the fields when in great straits’, with his Bible in his hands, and reading the Sermon on the Mount, was much comforted by Mat_6:26, “Behold the fowls of the air, they toil not neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.” Just then a little bird was hopping from sprig to spray, with its sweet chirping note, seeming to say

Mortals, cease from toil and sorrow,

God provideth for the morrow.”

It then came to the ground to pick up a crumb, and rising merrily, again seemed to repeat its simple song—

Mortals, cease from toil and sorrow,

God provideth for the morrow.”

This greatly comforted the Reformers heart.


All the thought in the world cannot lengthen our stature or our life.


This is good reasoning: he who cares for poor fading lilies and robes them so sumptuously, will not let his own immortal sons go bare. Surely we can trust our own Father.


All anxious care is forbidden. We have a Father in heaven, shall we fret as if we had none? Doubt not till you have cause to doubt.


Never anticipate troubles, each day has its own, and enough of them; yes, and enough grace comes daily to bear us through them.

Psalms 23

Let us cheer our hearts by reading that delicious song of contentment, Psalms 23.

He leads me to the place

Where heavenly pasture grows,

Where living waters gently pass,

And full salvation flows.

If e’er I go astray,

He doth my soul reclaim;

And guides me in his own right way,

For his most holy name.