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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 15
Today is: Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)
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“With God all things are possible.”
Upon this occasion we shall read a part of the outline of Israel’s history contained in
This recapitulation begins at the Red Sea even as our spiritual liberty begins at the drowning of all our sins in Jesus blood.
Thanks be to God for providential guidance. We are not wanderers who have lost their way amid a trackless waste, but we follow where the unerring wisdom of Jehovah leads.
Here were abounding and extraordinary supplies; apt symbols of the streams of grace which flow to us from the great deeps of electing love and covenant faithfulness.
What a change from grace to sin! It is enough to make us weep to see how good God is, and how base a return man makes. It would seem as if the more the Lord blessed man the less man blessed his God.
To desire God to aid us in gratifying unholy appetites, is to tempt the Lord; but his holiness will not yield to our solicitations, for God cannot be tempted.
To question the Lord’s power is to speak against him. Unbelief is essentially a slandering of the Omnipotent and gracious God.
Nothing so angers God as unbelief. O for grace to be kept from it.
This made unbelief so much the worse. Mercies received aggravate the criminality of distrust. It is so much the worse to doubt when we have received already such great favours from our gracious Father.
God gives plenteously when he gives.
No. Gratification does not kill the passion. Man can be satiated with evil, but he is not nauseated with it. He changes the form of the sin, but sins on. Note here that God’s bounties in this case were not pledges of love, but rather tokens of anger.
God often smites the mighty when he has pity on the poor and weak.
As mercy did not soften, so chastisement did not humble them. Lord, what is man!
God of eternal love,
How fickle are our ways!
And yet how oft did Israel prove
Thy constancy of grace!
Now they believe his word,
While rocks with rivers flow;
Now with their lusts provoke the Lord,
And he reduced them low.
Yet when they mourn’d their faults,
He hearken’d to their groans;
Brought his own covenant to his thoughts,
And call’d them still his sons.
“Come boldly to the Throne.”
Exodus 19
What a loving preface to the law! If anything could have engaged rebellious man to obedience, this would have done it, but, alas, the Lord has nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against him.
Their garments smell of Egypt, and must be washed, to show them that man is unholy and all about him, and even when God meets him in love he must be cleansed from impurity.
He who has ears to hear the law must tremble, for it condemns all who are under it.
Such is the spirit of the law. It shows us our sinfulness, and so sets us at a distance from God, but the gospel removes our sin and brings us nigh. Hear how the Holy Ghost speaks concerning it, by his servant Paul, in
Dear members of this family, let these solemn words sink deep into your souls. Despise not the Lord Jesus, but believe in him now.
Not to the terrors of the Lord,
The tempest, fire, and smoke;
Not to the thunder of that word
Which God on Sinai spoke:
But we are come to Sion’s hill,
The city of our God,
Where milder words declare his will,
And spread his love abroad.