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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 16
Today is: Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)
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“God be merciful to me a sinner.”
We are now about to read that solemn epitome of the law of God, which is contained in Exo_20:1-17; but, before we read a line, let us beseech the Lord to forgive our offences against his holy name, and to accept us in the Son of his love, by whom this law has been magnified and made honourable. We are now to read a code of law in which there is no omission and no redundancy. It is the only perfect law in the universe. None of us have kept it, and therefore it were folly to look for salvation by it, since nothing but perfect obedience can be accepted by the justice of God.
There is but one God, and we must not dare to worship or obey another. Beware of making gold or your self, or your dearest relation into a god. “Little children keep yourselves from idols.”
We are in the second commandment forbidden to worship God under any visible symbol, or after any other fashion than he has commanded. How great are the crimes of those who worship crosses, pictures, and bread, and even attach the idea of holiness to enclosures and buildings.
Any unhallowed use of the divine name is exceedingly sinful. Beware of flippantly saying, “O Lord,” and such like irreverent speeches.
One day in seven is the Lord’s, and to rob him of it is to injure ourselves as well as to disobey our Maker. Rest and worship are two of our sweetest blessings, and to them the day should be sacredly given.
Respect, love, and obedience are our parents’ due. This is the first commandment with promise.
Anger, and the doing of anything injurious to the health of ourselves or others, are here forbidden.
This forbids lust of heart, thought, and look, as well as actual uncleanness.
This forbids pilfering, cheating, and every kind of wrong.
All lying is herein condemned.
This touches a heart sin, and shows that the precept is exceeding broad, and reaches thoughts and imaginations. Who can read it and then hope to be saved by his own doings? Lord have mercy upon us, and forgive us our transgressions of this thy holy law.
Lord, make me understand thy law;
Show what my faults have been;
And from thy gospel let me draw
The pardon of my sin.
Not one can e’er be just with God
By works his hands have wrought;
For thy command’s exceeding broad,
And reaches every thought.
My God, ‘tis through thy Son I wait
For thy salvation still;
While thy whole law is my delight,
And I revere thy will.
“He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved.”
We have selected for our present reading a chapter which illustrates the difference between the law and the gospel.
The true spirit of Christianity is that of love and sympathy, it leads to prayer even for persecutors, and to hope for the most obdurate of men. Paul pleaded for the Jews.
Do not deny the good points in others, even if they are not all we could wish them to be.
He fulfils the law’s purpose for us, and when we have him we have all the law requires.
Precious gospel. Not doing, but believing, saves us. We have not to do or feel great things but simply to trust.
Think over this verse, for it ought to comfort even the most depressed seeker. Real prayer will be heard sooner or later.
Be constant in attendance upon the gospel ministry, and be devoutly attentive while hearing, for it is the way by which faith comes.
Alas, all hearers do not become believers. The many hear with deaf ears, and obey not the truth.
Sovereign grace sometimes saves the most unlikely, while those who sit under the gospel harden their hearts and perish. Beware of resting in outward privileges: ye must possess real faith in Jesus.
So that they were sincerely warned, and lovingly invited, yet it was all in vain. Shall it be so with any of this household? God forbid.
All the doing is completed,
Now ‘tis “look, believe, and live;”
None can purchase His salvation,
Life’s a gift, that God mast give
Grace, through righteousness, is reigning,
Not of works, lest man should boast;
Man must take the mercy freely,
Or eternally be lost.