Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 17

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 17

Today is: Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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We have access by faith.”


After the giving of the law upon Sinai, Moses received instructions as to the institution of public worship and sacrifice. As all that which was then appointed was typical of spiritual things, we will read the New Testament summary of it, contained in


and a worldly or material


For there was a tabernacle made; the first or outer tabernacle


which is called the sanctuary or holy place.


Holiest of all or Holy of Holies


The greatest of the Jewish high priests had to admit that they were sinners themselves, for they had to present sin-offerings on their own account, but our Lord Jesus has no sin of his own; hence in part his ability to bear our sin.


The Holy of Holies was not open to all men, but only to Jews; and not to all Jews, but only to priests; and not to all priests, but to the high priest alone; and not even to him at all times, or indeed at any time, except upon one solitary day in the year:


They could not expiate sin, and consequently could not give the conscience peace.


The appearance of the substance and the putting away of the shadows, was a reformation, or emendation. Is it not wonderful that any should wish to undo this reformation, and go back to the beggarly elements of the law? Nay, worse, they would even revive the follies of old Rome.


Our Lord’s offering is never to be repeated. It has been presented once, and has effectually secured the eternal redemption of all for whom he bled as a substitute. O what joy to see Jesus within the veil with a perfect offering, and to know that the one sacrifice has saved us.


Who can answer this question, “How much more?” It amounts to a solemn affirmation. Jesus can most assuredly remove our sins. Beloved, has he removed yours? Answer as before the living God!

Jesus, in Thee our eyes behold

A thousand glories more

Than the rich gems, and polish’d gold,

The sons of Aaron wore.

They first their own burnt-offerings brought

To purge themselves from sin:

Thy life was pure, without a spot;

And all Thy nature clean.

Once in the circuit of a year,

With blood, but not his own,

Aaron within the veil appears,

Before the golden throne.

But Christ by His own powerful blood

Ascends above the skies,

And in the presence of our God

Shows His own sacrifice.


Our Fellowship is with the Father.”

Exo_24:1-15; Exo_24:18


Even the most favoured under the law came not very near to God. Even when he said “Come up unto Jehovah,” it was added, “but they shall not come nigh.” How different the gospel, for now, in Christ Jesus, we, who sometimes were afar off, are made nigh by the blood of Jesus.


Their tongues went faster than their lives. Man is swift at promising, but lame in performing.


The blood is the main thing in all communion with God. No road is open to us but the crimson one. Where the blood of Jesus falls peace comes, but apart from that we are unclean, and, consequently, unfit for communion with God. Dear friends, has the blood of Jesus ever been sprinkled upon you? Faith, like the bunch of hyssop, applies the blood: have you that faith?


When the blood was on them, they could come near, and enjoy quiet fellowship, even to eating and drinking. What they saw is not described to us except in one point, they saw the azure pavement beneath the sacred feet. All our conceptions fall below the glory of our God, we see only the place of his footstool.


Moses enjoyed a higher degree of communion than any other man, and went up alone into the cloud. There are elect ones out of the elect to whom it is given to lie in their Master’s bosom, and to walk in the light as he is in the light. To be highly favoured in this respect is honour and joy indeed.


This was a sweet retreat for Moses, who would now for awhile forget the burden of the people.


O sweet stretch of intercourse with heaven. Six weeks with God! What a rest! Alas, Moses needed it, for the people were rebelling down below, and making trouble for their leaders heart.

Through the sacrificial blood,

Shed in honour of his law,

Chosen men drew near to God,

And his gracious glory saw.

Underneath his feet serene,

Sapphires, like a pavement, lay,

Bright as heaven itself is seen,

On a clear and cloudless day.

Heaven no frowning aspect wears;

Boldly we approach the throne:

Brighter grace to us appears

Than on Sinai’s Mount was shown.


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