Probably because Nadab and Abihu had been drinking, all priests were for the future forbidden to drink wine at times of service. It is a foul sin when the Christian minister seeks to stimulate his eloquence by wine; it is offering strange fire before the Lord, and will surely be visited upon him. He who serves God must be calm, sober, and not excited with any fleshly passion. O for a baptism of the Holy Ghost, to free the Lord’s ministers from every false excitement, and make them wait upon the Lord in quiet holiness.
Holy and reverend is the name
Of our eternal King!
Thrice holy Lord,” the angels cry,
Thrice holy,” let us sing.
With sacred awe pronounce His name,
Whom words nor thoughts can reach,
A contrite heart shall please Him more
Than noblest forms of speech.
Thou holy God, preserve my soul
From all pollution free;
The pure in heart are Thy delight,
And they Thy face shall see.