We should talk to our friends and kinsfolk of the advantages which arise out of connection with the people of God; it may be they will be led to cast in their lot with us.
Those who are converted to the faith often become of great service to the church, and this should urge us the more eagerly to seek their conversion.
Thus the compact was made to share and share alike. This was true brotherhood. Believers know that the Lord dealeth with all his servants as he is wont to do unto those who fear his name. He feeds them with the same bread of life, clothes them with the same righteousness, shelters them beneath the same providential care, and brings them by the same grace to the same glory. Those who truly join with us in Christ’s church shall enjoy all the privileges with which we are enriched.
This is the Rising Prayer. It confesses that Israel’s path is beset with foes, and it looks away from all human help to the Lord alone. The Lord has but to rise, and his foes and ours are gone. O Lord, now arise!
This was the Resting Prayer. It pleads for the divine presence. Fearing that the Lord may have been grieved during the day, it beseeches him to return. It is of the same tenor as our sweet evening hymn, “Abide with us.”
Let us read a few verses of David’s psalm, in which he sings of the Lord’s glorious marching through the wilderness.
Such a God is not to be worshipped with sadness or half-heartedness. Let us be very joyful in him.
He is as much with us as he was with the Jews, let us equally sing his praises.
Therefore let his people remember the orphan, and aid those institutions which are for their benefit. Let them also be very pitiful towards poor widows who are God’s peculiar charge.
Gracious as God is he cannot bless those who persist in rebellion. Sin is and ever must be the source of misery.
Eternal honour be unto the God of Israel, whose presence is still our succour and solace. Our inmost hearts adore him. Lord throughout this day go before us, and bless us with thy presence.
I am thy God.”
Num_11:4-5; Num_11:10-23
The mischief in the camp usually commenced with the mixed multitude, and it is the same with the church of God now: the merely nominal Christians in her are the tinder for Satan’s sharks. It is sad, however, to note that the Israelites were ready enough to follow the bad example of the mixed company. They murmured wantonly. They did not want for either bread or water, but pined for luxuries. Such complaining is sure to be punished.
Num_11:5; Numbers 10-15
The meekest man failed in his meekness. He was so provoked by the senseless clamours of the people that he spake unadvisedly with his lips unto God. The best of men are subject to infirmities. The Lord in Moses case was very pitiful towards his servant, and sent him help that he might the better bear the burden of so great a charge.
The Lord overlooked the petulance of Moses’ language, and met the real burden of his case. The seventy men would have been of no use without the Spirit, but with it they became valuable helpers. O Lord, give thy Spirit to all the elders and deacons of our churches, as well as to all pastors and evangelists.
Too much becomes nauseous. It is a most just method of punishment to make those things loathsome which have been the cause of lusting. The Lord often wearies men with their darling sins.
Moses began reckoning second causes, and then saw much ground for doubt; yet even then he left out a part of the calculation, for he forgot the fowls of heaven from which the Lord gathered meat for the people.
Unbelief is very grievous to the Lord: perhaps some of us are guilty of it. Is it so? Then let us humbly bow before the rebuke of this verse, and then hopefully expect to see every promise of the Lord fulfilled, for so it shall be.