Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 29

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 29

Today is: Friday, March 14th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Sin when it is finished bringeth forth death.”

Num_14:26-32; Num_14:36-45


It is an awful thing when the Lord takes men at their word, and says Amen to their wicked speeches. They said that they were brought out to die in the wilderness, and the Lord tells them that die they shall. It was at this time that the Lord sware in his wrath, that they should not enter into his rest.


God will not forget the innocent: though there be but two of them there shall be a clause of exemption in the act of judgment.


With what contempt are they spoken of! Again and again their bodies are called “carcases,” as if they were no better than beasts. Sin makes men contemptible.


The ten spies had been the cause of all this evil, and they were justly cut off at once, as a pledge that the Lord would be as good as his word to the rest of that evil generation.


Like the pendulum which swings from one side to the other, they went from one form of sin to its opposite.


It is dangerous, yea, deadly, to go where God will not go with us.


Nothing is difficult when the Lords power goes forth with us, but to enter upon any service without the help of God is folly, and can only end in defeat. Those who try to fight their own way to heaven, will, like these Jews, find the enemies of their souls too many for them. Presumption is as dangerous as unbelief: they are often companions, and seem to alternate in the souls of the unregenerate like the heat of summer, and the cold of winter: may the Lord deliver us from both.

We live estranged and far from God,

And love the distance well;

With haste we run the dangerous road

That leads to death and hell.

And can such rebels be restored?

Such natures made divine?

Let sinners see thy glory, Lord,

And feel this power of thine.

We raise our Father’s name on high,

Who his own Spirit sends

To bring rebellious strangers nigh,

And turn his foes to friends.


He remembereth that we are dust.”

Psalms 90

This Psalm is the record of Moses feelings when he saw the people dying in the wilderness, and it ought not to be read as exactly descriptive of the feelings of godly men, whose death is not a judgment of God’s wrath, but a falling asleep in God’s arms, that they may depart out of this present evil world to be where Jesus is.

A Prayer of Moses the Man of God


We wander in tents, but, like our fathers, we dwell in thee. Sweet thought, in every age God is the home of his people.


Though men. die, Thou ever livest; though nature itself expire, Thou art the same.


One word from thee is enough. When thy fiat has gone forth, the spirits of men return to thee.


What are ages to eternity? The drop is more in relation to the sea than time to the life of the Eternal One.


Men flourish and decay: the meadow grass is not more frail than they. Where are all the ancient generations? Are they not as undiscoverable as the generations yet unborn? Like the grass which grew when Jacob fed his flocks, the people of the past have disappeared.


Not we at this time, but that generation of Israel. We enjoy Jehovah’s love, but Israel in the wilderness melted away before the Lord’s hot displeasure.


Glory be to God, as believers, our sins are pardoned, and put behind the Lord’s back, but it was not so with that generation. This verse can now only be applied to the ungodly. Are there any such in this household?


Our days are passed in peace, for the Lord has given us rest, but as for Israel in the desert it was sadly the reverse; and upon the ungodly at this day the curse is resting.


The very strength of age is sorrow. What then is its weakness? Covet not extreme old age; but know that if it comes God must be our portion, or else life will be a burden.


May we never know the power of God’s anger. The dread of it is awful, but the reality is beyond conception.


Be gracious to those whom thou hast doomed to die.


Balance our woes with a weight of mercy. Give a joy for every sorrow.


They would accept the toil of the wilderness with cheerfulness because their children would obtain the joys of the promised land. So long as God’s church is continued in the world, we who now bear the burden and heat of the day are content to die.


The labour of Moses’ lifetime had been very great in building up the Jewish commonwealth, and therefore he is prayerfully anxious that he may not have laboured in vain. Nor was it so, for a great nation was formed, and its mission has been fulfilled, unto this day. Fear not, servants of God, though death should seem to sweep away your life-work: true service for the Lord will outlast the pyramids.


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