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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: February 4
Today is: Thursday, March 13th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)
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“I will work, and who shall let it.”
Job_38:1-11; Job_38:16-17; Job_38:22-23; Job_38:31-41
When the three accusers were silent, when Elihu had concluded his eloquent address, and Job had no more to say, the Lord himself interposed, and as with a long succession of thunderclaps hushed every heart and voice into awe.
How solemn is that word “Who is this?” Is it a poor, weak, foolish man? Is it Job? My servant Job! Does he speak of that which he cannot understand and venture to complain of his God? Our wisdom is only wisdom when it admits its own folly.
We know nothing of the common things of God, how foolish we are to think that we can pry into his arcana, and lay bare his mysterious secrets. We had better sing with angels, than doubt with devils. The angels all sang, sang together, and sang with one common joy. O for such unanimous joyful praise among men.
The secrets of earth are too deep for us, how much more the mysteries of eternity. One thing, however, is consoling; if we do not see the gates of death open, we know who it is that has opened for us the door of heaven.
Who among us can control the stars or change the seasons?
In all these things the greatness of the Lord, and the nothingness of man are alike apparent. God forbid that a thought of pride should defile our spirit.
Great God! how infinite art thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole race of creatures bow,
And pay their praise to Thee.
Eternity, with all its years,
Stands present in Thy view;
To Thee there’s nothing old appears;
Great God! there’s nothing new.
“Thou art God alone.”
The sublime language of Jehovah in his address to Job is far above all human eloquence. Let us take a second lesson from that divine discourse. First, let us read the unrivalled description of a war-horse.
He who created a creature so noble, powerful, and courageous, is not to be summoned to our bar, or questioned as to what he does.
We commonly speak of instinct. What is it but the teaching of God? He who has given so much wisdom to birds and beasts is full of wisdom himself. Let us bow before him, and rest assured that what he does is ever best.
Far-seeing and terrible, the royal bird belongs not to the kings of the earth though they figure it upon their banners: it is but another incarnation of the sublime thoughts of God, a further illustration of his greatness.
If we fancy that we can vie with God in justice, we are challenged first to compete with him in power. All the attributes of God are equally great, and if we cannot rival one, it will be wise not to impugn another.
Come thou poor glow-worm, put forth thy light, and see if thou art comparable to the sun.
Until we can manage providence as the Lord has done, so as to abase tyrants and deliver the oppressed, we had better learn submission to the divine will, and cease for ever from all rebellious questionings.
In heaven and earth, in air and seas,
He executes His wise decrees:
And by His saints it stands confest,
That what He does is ever best.
Wait, then, my soul, submissive wait,
With reverence bow before His seat;
And, midst the terrors of His rod,
Trust in a wise and gracious God.