This is a right noble song, breathing not only warm devotion, but the true spirit of poetry. Hannah was a great original poetess, and even the Virgin Mary in her sweet hymn of gratitude will be found to have followed in Hannah’s track. Though as yet no Psalms had been written which might serve her as models, her song is exquisitely composed, and has a delightful savour of spiritual religion about it. She is the first who sings of the “anointed” king, and as there was actually no king over Israel in her day, the words would seem to have a prophetic reference to Christ. He is the crown of all the saints’ joys, and their songs reach their highest notes when they sing of “the anointed.”
My soul doth magnify the Lord,
My spirit doth rejoice;
To thee, my Saviour and my God,
I lift my joyful voice.
My God, I’ll praise thee while I live,
And praise thee when I die,
And praise thee when I rise again,
And to eternity.