Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: April 22

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: April 22

Today is: Sunday, January 12th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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The Lord will not forsake His people.”

1 Samuel 12

Saul proved his valour by defeating Nahash king of the Ammonites, whereupon the people assembled to establish him more fully in his kingdom. Samuel took advantage of this to end his official life and to warn the people.


Bedan or, as some read it, Barak


It seldom or never rains at that period in Palestine. Samuel’s prayers were as mighty as those of Elijah.


A precious passage indeed. Election ensures to its objects immutable love, but where the reason for election lies none can tell.


To obey is better than sacrifice.”



Saul reigned one year during that time no fault was found in him; but he was of that shortwinded race which cannot hold out to the end


Having subdued the country the Philistines put garrisons in the fortresses to keep the people in subjection. Jonathan commenced the war of liberty by destroying one of these garrisons.


This was the usual Hebrew war summons, the blast of a trumpet was answered by beacon-fires front hill to hill, and the country rose at once to cast off the Philistine yoke.


The Philistines called in their allies, and resolved to put down the Israelitish revolt at once. Such was the terror inspired by so vast a host, that Saul soon found his general levy of the people dispersed; and even his small standing army shrunk from three thousand to seven hundred men.


Those who remained with Saul in person were faint in heart, and despaired of success.


This he had no right to do, for it was an assumption of the priestly office, and a virtual disowning of his position as the viceroy of, the Lord. He ought to have waited for directions from the Lord through Samuel; but in his selfwill he proceeded to act as if he were quite independent of God’s guidance. His impatience cost him his kingdom.


He was a hypocrite, and tried to cover his rebellious act by pretending great zeal for outward religion.


At first sight Saul’s offence appears little, but no sin is little, because there is no little God to sin against. He had virtually cast off Jehovah’s sovereignty, and therefore the Lord would not establish his dynasty.

Keep us, Lord, oh keep us ever,

Vain our hope if left by thee;

We are thine, oh leave us never,

Till thy face in heaven we see;

There to praise thee

Through a bright eternity.