Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: April 25

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: April 25

Today is: Sunday, January 12th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Salvation belongeth unto the Lord.”

1Sa_17:1-12; 1Sa_17:14-18


Israel had sinned, and her king had cast off his allegiance, and therefore chastisement came. God. has the hearts of wicked Philistines in his hands, and can move them to be a scourge to his offending people.


For forty days they remained gazing upon one another. O, had Israel been faithful to her God, she would soon have been delivered, for then the promise would have been fulfilled, “five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight.” When God is gone, the strongest are as weak as water.


whose height was six cubits and a span or about ten feet.


Goliath is called “the champion,” or, in the Hebrew, the middle-man or Mediator, he typifies Satan, our great enemy. Where could we have found another Mediator to meet him if the Son of David had not stood in the gap?


Time was when Saul, who was himself gigantic, would have accepted the challenge, but when God departs from a man he becomes a coward. “Without me ye can do nothing,” is a great truth. Many have learned it to their sorrow.


When made feeble by old age it is a great blessing to have vigorous sons to fill up the ranks of the Lord’s army. O ye young men, fill the places of your godly sires.


Probably he had long before left the courts of Saul for the solitude he loved so well, just as our Lord after going up to the temple went back to his parents, and was subject unto them.


Even as for forty days Satan tempted our Lord.


The great Antitype of David visited his brethren below, his Father sending him to us with heavenly food, and messages of love. Alas, like David, he met with a churlish reception, “he came unto his own and his own received him not.” The Lord grant that in our hearts he may ever find a welcome.

O Son of Jesse come

Into our camp to day;

Bring with thee much-loved food from home,

And bear our pledge away.

Goliath’s threatening words

Oft make thy people fear;

Vain are our numbers, and our swords,

Till thou art with us here.


Who delivered us, and will yet deliver us.”



He was a good shepherd and did not leave his sheep without a keeper, in this being a fit type of the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls.


carriage or baggage


Such was the prize offered to our champion the Lord Jesus, “the kings daughter all glorious within” was to be the reward of his battle.


Brave men may expect to be misunderstood and charged with forward- ness; but it will be to their honour if they bear it patiently and still persevere. Our Lord was rejected by his brethren, but he did not desist from his work of love, neither did he answer them roughly. If we can conquer our own spirits we shall be able to conquer others.


He was at his wit’s end, and therefore caught at this which he looked upon as a desperate hope. Despair of all other salvation often drives men to Jesus.


So the Jewish nation thought our Lord quite unable to save them, and therefore despised him: but nevertheless he won the victory over the dread foe of men.


Christ also delivers his own sheep out of the power of him who goeth about like a roaring lion, and of him it is said, “thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder, the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.”


It is wise to conclude that what God has done for us once he can and will do again. We have an unchanging helper to rely upon, and therefore we may reckon on continual help.