Those who begin with holy weeping shall end with holy rejoicing. If there be one unforgiven one in this family, let him or her go to the. heavenly Father and cry for that gracious forgiveness which is given to all who believe in Jesus. It is not given as a reward of good works, or as the fruit of any efforts of our own; but as the free gift of God in Christ Jesus. Paul says that David here describes the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, and he declares most plainly that it is not a matter of merit but of grace. The very worst and vilest sins will be freely and at once forgiven if we will confess them to the Lord, and trust in the infinite merits of his dear Son. Do not linger then, but fly at once to the open fountain.
In Christ I have believed,
And through the spotless Lamb
Grace and salvation have received:
In him complete I am.
My sins, my crimson stains,
Are blotted out each one;
No condemnation now remains!
God views me in his Son.