Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: June 13

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: June 13

Today is: Thursday, February 13th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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Shouldst thou help the ungodly?”



Very special had been his deliverance from death; let us hope that he felt deeply grateful for it. He had by his own folly put himself into harm’s way, and it was great mercy which resetted him from peril. We find, however, that he did not go unrebuked.


The father had rebuked Asa, and had been roughly used for so doing, but this did not prevent the son from doing his duty. He spake very plainly and personally to Jehoshaphat, and did not hesitate to deliver to him the solemn threatening of the Lord: nor was his message a fruitless one, for the king saw his sin, and set about doing all the good he could, as a token of his hearty repentance.


When we turn to God ourselves, we cannot do better than use all our influence to convert others.


In all our dealings we are bound to be strictly just, and never should we allow ourselves to be perverted by the threats or smiles of any man. Our heavenly Father is righteous, and so should all his children be. It is not only judges who may be bribed, but servants may be bribed to allow tradesmen to rob their masters; masters may be tempted to be unjust to servants; and children may be led to be untruthful in their statements by gifts and threats. Such things must not be, or we shall grieve the Holy Spirit of God.


This was to be a central court of judicature where hard cases would be decided. What a blessing is it that in the New Jerusalem we have one who is called Wonderful Counsellor, and no case is too hard for him.


Very needful is it even now to exhort one another to do the right whether we offend or please. Disciples of Jesus should be strictly upright: if honour be banished from all the rest of the world, it should still dwell in the bosom of believers.


Let this be our motto in all our dealings. He who acts uprightly has never any cause to fear, for God is with him. Children, learn this line by heart, “Deal courageously, and the Lord shall be with the good.”

I send the joys of earth away,

Away, ye tempters of the mind;

False as the smooth deceitful sea,

And empty as the whistling wind.

Lord, I adore thy matchless grace,

That warn’d me of that dark abyss,

That drew me from those treacherous seas,

And bade me seek superior bliss.


The battle is not yours, but God’s.”



This was a chastisement upon him for joining with Ahab, for now the wicked join against him; but it was sent in love, and therefore ended well.


He did not only fear because of the vast number of the invaders, but because the Lord had told him by the mouth of the prophet that wrath would be upon him. His fears, however, drove him to prayer, and whenever this is the case matters will be sure to mend.


Great troubles can only be met by great prayer. Let us use this certain remedy when trial comes upon us.


This was a noble prayer; the king pleaded the divine power and sovereignty, he reminded the Lord of his former favours to his people, and then he pleaded the promise and covenant. After this manner also should we pray. The last sentence is peculiarly sweet: “our eyes are upon thee.” For direction, help, protection, and encouragement they looked alone to the Lord. We shall be sure to see good when our eyes are fixed upon God alone.


The prayers even of little ones are powerful with God. All our family should learn to pray, and in times of distress each one should assist in calling upon the Lord for help.


God will soon send a loving word when all his people humbly cry unto him.

2Ch_20:15; 2Ch_20:17

When the Lord undertakes for his people he makes short work of their enemies.


God’s great mercy humbled them into lowliest adoration. They did not question the truth of the promise, but worshipped gratefully at once.


This was real faith. Cannot we also praise the Lord for favours yet to come? He will bless us, let us even now bless him.