Severity to Judah was tempered by mercy to Josiah. He was humble while others were proud. He bowed like a reed before the storm, and the tempest of wrath left him unharmed. See the benefit of submission to God. May the like tenderness of heart be found in each of us, and may the Lord deal graciously with his servants.
Joy to the world; the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King:
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven” and nature sing.
Joy to the earth; the Saviour reigns!
Let men their songs employ:
While fields, and floods, rocks, hills, and plains,
Repeat the sounding joy.
No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of his righteousness,
And wonders of his love.
When shall thy lovely face be seen?
When shall our eyes behold our God?
What lengths of distance lie between,
And hills of guilt!—a heavy load!
Ye heavenly gates, loose all your chains:
Let the eternal pillars bow!
Blest Saviour, cleave the starry plains,
And make the crystal mountains flow!
Put thy bright robes of triumph on,
And bless our eyes, and bless our ears,
Thou absent Love, thou dear unknown,
Thou fairest of ten thousands fairs.
Jehovah speaks the healing word,
And no disease withstands;
Fevers and plagues obey the Lord,
And fly at his commands.
If half the strings of life should break,
He can our frame restore;
He casts our sins behind his back,
And they are found no more.
Great God of wonders! all thy ways
Are matchless, God-like, and divine;
But the fair glories of thy grace
More God-like and unrivall’d shine:
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
Crimes of such horror to forgive,
Such guilty, daring worms to spare;
This is thy grand prerogative,
And none shall in the honour share:
Who is a pardoning God like thee?
Or who has grace so rich and free?
Fall, ye idols, fall before him,
Lo, the living God appears;
All ye gods around adore him,
Tremble and confess your fears;
Prostrate from your places hurl’d,
Own the God that made the world.
Hark! a cry among the nations,
Come, and let us seek the Lord:
Vain our former expectations;
Vain the idols we ador’d:
Zion’s King is God alone:
Let us bow before his throne.”
Great God, I love thy sacred word;
What light and joy its leaves afford!
Thy precepts guide my doubtful way,
Thy fear forbids my feet to stray.
Thy threatenings wake my slumbering eyes,
And warn me where my danger lies;
They show me all my guilt and shame,
And make me prize the Saviour’s name.
May this blest volume ever lie,
Close to my heart and near my eye;
Till life’s last hour my thoughts engage,
And be my chosen heritage.