The healed leper had better have obeyed his Lord and held his peace, for his grateful declarations hindered the Lord’s work of mercy, and took him away from hundreds who needed him. However generous and natural the promptings of our grateful hearts may be, it is always wisest to do exactly as we are bidden. Lord, heal us, and make us thy servants for ever.
Now, Lord, to whom for help I call,
Thy miracles repeat;
With pitying eye behold me fall
A leper at thy feet.
Loathsome, and foul, and self-abhorr’d,
I sink beneath my sin;
But if thou wilt, a gracious word,
Of thine, can make me clean.
Whene’er the angry passions rise,
And tempt our thoughts or tongues to strife,
To Jesus let us lift our eyes,
Bright pattern of the Christian life.
Oh how benevolent and kind!
How mild, how ready to forgive!
Be this the temper of our mind,
And these the rules by which we live.
To do his heavenly Father’s will,
Was his employment and delight;
Humility and holy zeal
Shone through his life, divinely bright.
Dispensing good where’er he came,
The labours of his life were love:
Oh, if we love the Saviour’s name,
Let his divine example move.