Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: August 3

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: August 3

Today is: Sunday, January 12th, 2025 (Show Today's Devotion)

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The Lord shall fight for you.”

Zechariah the prophet was a fellow-worker with Haggai, and aided him in bringing about the completion of the temple. His prophecy is full of visions, and worthy of our careful study.

Zec_1:1-13; Zec_1:18-21


He saw the Lord of providence, attended by his ministering spirits, surveying the kingdoms. The red horses probably represented distress and war; the speckled, mingled events; and the white, times of prosperity.


He who guards his church, which he calls his myrtle, summons his servants to give in their account of what is going on upon the face of the earth, and they report a general peace.


Would not poor Israel share in the wide-spread peace? Her intercessor does not forget to plead for her.


Yes, better times were in store, and the Lord declared their coming.

but these are come to fray or fright


God will always find men to do his work; there were horns to be cut off, and here are the carpenters or artificers. God will always find the right sort of men: they were smiths, not fishermen: and he will always find enough men, for as there were four horns, so are there four smiths to beat them to pieces. Empires which have opposed the Lord have been crushed to powder, and so will it always be: no power can stand against the Lord of Hosts. Are we upon his side? Have we believed in his Son Jesus? If so, none can harm us; but if not, his wrath will overthrow us.

To be sung or read

Through all thy works thy wisdom shines,

And baffles Satan’s deep designs;

Thy power is sovereign to fulfil

The noblest counsels of thy will.


Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire.”

Zechariah 3

Let us read for our personal instruction

Zechariah 3.


Every believer is a priest, and his standing is before the angel of the Lord, for in the presence of God and unto him alone is our ministry rendered. The enemy of souls is ever ready to act as the accuser of the brethren, and as the hinderer of all holy service. Often when we know it not he comes forward to oppose our soul’s best interests.


We have a divine Advocate to plead our cause; he pleads our election and our effectual calling. If the Lord has chosen us and snatched us from sure destruction, will he not accept the service which we render to him? To what end then should the adversary oppose us?


Alas! this is our condition also, for we have not kept ourselves unspotted from the world; but mark the care and love of the great Advocate.


Gone, for ever gone, is the iniquity of the believer; he is no longer condemned, but accepted in the sight of God. The goodly raiment of Christ’s righteousness is ours.


Sin is removed, righteousness is bestowed, honour is conferred, and all through the omnipotent word of that Angel of the covenant in whom our soul delights. He stands by, and therefore all is well. We owe everything to Jesus. To him be glory for ever.


Believers who act obediently are honoured with service, and are enabled to glorify God by bringing forth the fruits of grace among their brethren. Would to God that more of us were eminent for holiness and usefulness!


This is the grand announcement of all, Jesus is the branch from David’s root, the fruitful bough on which we hang all our hopes. He shall build the true temple of God, and upon him, as the one goodly foundation-stone, shall all eyes be fixed.


God and men, angels and devils, saints and sinners, are all gazing upon Jesus. What a graving was that which he endured when justice cut deep into his hands, and feet, and side; then, indeed, iniquity was removed in one day.


Jesus will bring peace. His reign shall end the woes and discords of the chosen people. Sin being wholly removed, peace will be restored and established for ever. Are we each of us looking to the Lord Jesus for all things? Do we trust in him as our Advocate, and is his righteousness our glorious dress?

Guilty we plead before thy throne,

And low in dust we lie,

Till Jesus stretch his gracious arm

To bring the guilty nigh.

The sins of one most righteous day

Might plunge us in despair;

Yet all the crimes of numerous years

Shall our great Surety clear.

That spotless robe, which he hath wrought,

Shall deck us all around;

Nor by the piercing eye of God

One blemish shall be found.