Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: September 15

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: September 15

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Believest thou this?”



Martha had earnestly expected the Lord’s coming, and her active spirit led her to meet him. In this she is an example to us: our faith and hope and prayer, should go forth to meet the Lord in his ways of providence and grace. We may not judge Mary, but we may do well to remember that it is a temptation to contemplative Christians to sit too still in hours of sorrow. Martha was cumbered with much serving, and there have been Marys who have been cumbered with much fretting.


Her complaint of his absence was very gentle, and her faith in his power to restore her brother was far too pleasing to Jesus for him to be displeased by what she said. How apt are we all to think that if the Lord were with us we should not be in trouble, whereas it is in affliction that he is most graciously manifest.


It would be well after hearing any scriptural truth, to put this question to ourselves: “Believest thou this?” Especially should we be well established in the truth that Jesus is the source, substance, and firstfruits of the resurrection.


Jesus had probably said more than is here recorded, and had asked for Mary particularly. In the gospel he asks after each one of us.


Her posture indicated the deepest reverence, yet her complaint was couched in the same words as that of her sister. We all find it hard to understand why the Lord permits heavy trials to overtake us.


This little verse is full of great teaching. It shows both the humanity and the sympathy of Jesus, and is for ever the mourner’s choicest gem of consolation.


A word of astonishment which may as truly be used in reference to his love to each of his servants. His love to us is wonderful.


Of course he could, but they had not the wit to argue that he who could preserve life could also restore it. Often men stand on the verge of faith, and yet at last die in unbelief.

See how he loved!” exclaimed the Jews,

As tender tears from Jesus fell;

My grateful heart the thought pursues,

And on the theme delights to dwell.

“See how he loved,” who travelled on,

And taught the doctrine from the skies!

Who bade disease and pain begone,

And called the sleeping dead to rise.

“See how he loved,” who never shrank

From toil or danger, pain or death!

Who all the cup of sorrow drank,

And meekly yielded up his breath.

Such love, can we, unmoved, survey?

Oh, may our breasts with ardour glow,

To tread his steps, his laws obey,

And thus our warm affections show!


I have the keys of hell and of death.”



We hear more about his groaning in this case, than in all his own personal sufferings. He never groaned so much for his own trials as for the troubles of his friends.


All that man can do, man must do: the miracle begins only where natural forces end.


In that hot climate, putrefaction would soon set in. Could not Martha, who believed Jesus to be almighty in power, believe that even out of corruption her brother could be raised? Faith has strange weaknesses, and while leaping one way will limp another.


When Jesus calls dead sinners out of their graves of sin into newness of life they are often bound by habits arising out of their former lives, it is our duty by example and instruction to lead them into the full liberty of the gospel.


Some people are mean enough for anything. How base these must have been!


For mere political expediency, he would kill Jesus that the nation might not be destroyed by the Romans: but in this, like Balaam, he said far more than he himself understood, and was the mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit to declare the doctrine of the substitutionary sacrifice, by which atonement is made.


What a proof have we here of the madness of depraved nature, when we see men eager to put to death one whose divine power had been so clearly proved by his raising the dead! Such madness is in us all till grace removes it.

Jesus, thou Prince of life!

Thy chosen cannot die;

Like thee, they conquer in the strife,

To reign with thee on high.

It is not death to fling

Aside this sinful dust,

And rise on strong exulting wing,

To live among the just.