Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: September 16

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Spurgeon Daily Devotional Bible: September 16

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Charity suffereth long and is kind.”



He looked beyond his death to his ascension, and for the joy that was set before him he was resolute to go through with the appointed suffering. Oh that we were equally steadfast to perform all the will of the Lord!


They were prejudiced against the Jewish worship. The Samaritans often attacked Galileans who passed through their country to go up to the feasts at Jerusalem.


They thought it holy indignation, and so perhaps it was, but that is not to be paramount under the gospel. Love reigns in Christ’s kingdom.


He hoped to share the glories of the great prophet and the honours of the Messiah. Jesus honestly told him that he would have not only to fare hard but to lie hard, and this did not suit the new professor. He had chosen Christ in ignorance, but Christ had not chosen him, and therefore away he went.


Christ himself called this man, and therefore, though he raised difficulties, grace overcame them. Natures love was strong in him, but grace gained the victory. We must make everything else secondary to serving the Lord. Ministers should leave worldly business to others, and give themselves to the preaching of the gospel.


He who is called to the ministry should go through with it. As long as lungs and life hold out, no preacher may cease his testimony. If God has called him he must not, yea, he cannot, leave his sacred work.


We are surprised to learn that it was James and John who thought of destroying the unfriendly Samaritans. Had it been Peter we should not have wondered, but how could the loving John act thus? Is not this another instance of the fact that most good men, at some time or other, fail in the very grace for which they are most remarkable? How differently did the beloved disciple act and write in after days! To show the contrast let us read—1Jn_4:10-14.


He was an eyewitness that Jesus did not come to destroy men’s lives; this he had seen, and could testify to it with authority.

Not to condemn the sons of men,

Did Christ, the Son of God, appear;

No weapons in his hands were seen,

No fire from heaven nor thunder there.

He came to save and not destroy,

He from opposers turned away;

Forbearing love became his joy.

And, “Be it ours henceforth,” we pray.


Peace be to this house.”



The twelve had succeeded so well that our Lord enlarged the number of his evangelists, and sent them forth as itinerant preachers all over the land.


This prayer was to be offered by preachers themselves. In any other calling men are afraid of being crowded out if too many engage in it; but there is no fear of this in the Christian ministry; there cannot be too many soul-winners.


They must therefore expect trouble, and look to a higher power than their own for protection.


The king’s business required haste, and therefore the needless courtesies of life were to be omitted.


No blessing can be lost, if not well bestowed it will come home to the giver.


They were neither to be beggars nor feasters; but, being refreshed at one hospitable table, they were to go on with their work.


Matthew Henry says, “To understand the wisdom of God in giving the means of grace to those who would not improve them, and denying them to those who would, we must wait for the great day of discovery.”


Christ judges himself to be treated as his ministers are, and therefore it will go hard with those who reject their message and cause them pain.


He saw him fall from his power like a meteor, suddenly and hopelessly.


To be elect is better than to be endowed with the greatest gifts. When we are likely to become too elated by what the Lord docs by us, it will be well to remember that what he has done for us is a far greater and safer reason for joy.

Bid, Lord, thy heralds publish loud

The peaceful blessings of thy reign;

And when they speak of sprinkled blood,

The mystery to the heart explain.

Chase the usurper from his throne,

Oh! chase him to his destined hell;

Stout-hearted sinners overcome,

And glorious in thy temple dwell.